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The Daily Dish The Real Housewives of Orange County

The Dubrow Diet Is the No. 1 Book on Amazon — But What Is It? Terry and Heather Break Down the Concept

The couple swears not only will it help you reach your goal weight quickly — it's relatively pain-free, too!

By Jenny Berg
What Is the Dubrow Diet? Terry and Heather Dubrow Explain

The Dubrow Diet is finally on shelves — or, should we say, flying off them? Almost as soon as it was released, the hotly anticipated book, co-written by Heather Dubrow and Terry Dubrow, became the number-one book on Amazon. "We cried a little bit — at least I did," Heather told The Feast on a recent visit to Bravo HQ, recalling the moment when she found out about the incredible ranking. 

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And Heather's not the only one crying happy tears due to this diet. The Dubrows conducted a clinical study of sorts over a six month-period, asking 100 people to follow their diet. "The average weight loss was 48 pounds, the lowest was 33, and the highest was 86," Terry told The Feast. "98 percent of [participants] said this is the best lifestyle change they've ever made." Heather even added that one participant was able to sit comfortably at a restaurant booth for the first time in 15 years after following the diet for three weeks. 

It sounds amazing! But wait, what is it? We asked Heather as much, first nudging her to give us her best elevator pitch. "What if I told you that I could give you a lifestyle plan that would not only get you to your goal weight incredibly quickly and relatively pain-free, but also, it's going to give you more energy than you've ever had, make your skin amazing and tight, grow your hair — wouldn't you be like, I'm in? That's The Dubrow Diet," she explained. 

OK, yeah, we're almost in — after all, the gorgeous skin alone sounds delightful. But we need to know a little bit more. Here's where Terry chimed in. "This diet is not a fad diet; it's not even really a diet, it's a lifestyle. It's based on pure science," he said. "In fact, a Nobel Prize in medicine was given for this science two years ago, with the discovery of the fact that if you eat in certain intervals, and then you don't eat in other intervals, then it sends your body into a state of anti-inflammation. It's cell renewal and cell recharging, and you preferentially use fat as fuel every single day, rather than sugar. So, you immediately start breaking down your fats. That's why it works so quickly; that's why it's so effective; that's why it's so anti-aging, and you have no appetite. This is one of those diets that once you get past the initial sort of difficult phase, that we give you tips on how to get through very easily, then you're free from your appetite. You're in control of your appetite rather than it being in control of you." 

That all sounds good, except for, you know, the times when you don't eat. But hear Heather out: "Some people have heard of intermittent fasting. When I hear the word fast, it just conjures up this image for me of very tired, skinny people sitting on a couch that can't get up. That's why we call it interval eating. We want you to eat," she said. "We've taken this Nobel Prize-winning technology and put it in a way that is absolutely attainable and sustainable. We've been living like this for at least three years," The Real Housewives of Orange County alum shared. "Terry just turned 60; I'm going to be 50 in January. People see pictures of us and ask, how do you have these ageless bodies? And this is how; it's the way we eat; it's the way we exercise, and we put it all down in The Dubrow Diet."

OK, so we're pretty much sold. But what's the next step, after buying the book? "The next step is to read it," Heather quipped. "And outline very clearly what you need to do. You need to be prepared would be the number one thing, because when you're hungry you make bad decisions. It's like when you go to the grocery store hungry, you're like, oh, fried olives sound like a good idea! So my big thing is meal prep, always have fresh-cut vegetables, fruits, high-fiber, good carbs, and lean proteins available to you." 

And hold the fried olives. 

—Reporting by Jocelyn Vena 

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