The Real Housewives of Miami "The Real Housewives of Miami” returns to Bravo and the drama on South Beach is hotter than ever. This season shocking health and relationship revelations bring some friendships closer than ever while tearing others apart. Stream on Peacock
8 photos Meet Lisa Hochstein's Son Logan! The #RHOM star and first time mom is already "completely obsessed and in love" with her little prince.
13 photos Spend Valentine's Day With Joanna Krupa Take a page from Joanna's book this V-day (or just enjoy these sexy snaps).
27 photos The Best Burns from the #RHOM Reunion Limp penises, hobbits, witches...look back at some of the shadiest comments from the Season 3 reunion.
18 photos The #RHOM 'Scarface' Party Check out the 'Wives in full on '80s glam at this previously unseen party.
15 photos Reunion Part 2: Marysol Makes and Appearance Ep 16: Marysol joins the ladies and confronts Lea, while feuds between the Housewives remain unresolved.
6 photos #RHOM Reunion: What They're Wearing Get the 411 on all the fierce shoes and dresses from the Season 3 Reunion.
17 photos Reunion Part 1: Joanna vs. Lisa?! Ep 15: Joanna hits a low point with Lisa, while Adriana and Lea still have made no effort to move forward.
5 photos Season 3: Where are the 'Wives Now? See what the ladies have been up to since they finished filming the this season of 'The Real Housewives of Miami.'
56 photos Joanna and Romain's Wedding Album Flip through photos of Joanna Krupa and Romain Zago's traditonal, but sexy walk down the aisle!
30 photos Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas! Ep 13: See Joanna Krupa’s crazy bachelorette in Vegas -- from Lea Black’s lap dance to Lisa Hochstein’s breakdown!
12 photos Before and After: Lea's Updated Crib Tour Lea Black's renovated and even more grand ballroom -- and the rest of her refreshed home.
30 photos Lisa Tries to Make Peace at Lea's Party Ep 12: Joanna blows up at Lisa when she defends Adriana at Lea's event. When the ladies are face-to-face, can they make amends?