Lisa didn't know if she was over packing or not, but Lenny set her straight. Of course she was over packing! She's Lisa Hochstein!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
The couple's conversation soon turned serious when Lisa asked her hubby to come to the wedding with her. But this tension wasn't just about the wedding -- these two are having deeper issues.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
We think Lea missed her true calling -- she was made to spice up in-flight announcements!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
The ladies arrive in Vegas and give a Mazel to Joanna! That is before they battle it out for the best bedroom.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Adriana made her self at home, but unfortunately, this is Joanna's master suite. She is the bride, after all.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Nobody was taking the best room away from Lisa -- it was like Bimini all over again! She just likes what she likes. Sorry, not sorry.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Adriana is fine with the smaller room -- there's two beds, so she won't be sleeping with a Christmas Tree. Aka, a bejeweled Lea Black.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lea and Alexia felt a little out of place at the pool party. In the words of Alexia, "The one that belongs here is Peter, not his mom."
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
But soon Lea was the life of the party when a certain little person by the name of Five Cent had his eye on the Mayor of Miami.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lisa was ready to let her hair down and get the party going -- but Joanna wanted to cut her off before she got too wild. They still have the whole night to get crazy!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Ya, maybe cutting Lisa off was the right idea.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lea leaves the ladies for five minutes and finds...Wives Gone Wild!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
All it took for Adriana and Joanna to get along was a little vodka and a topless swim! How can you not be best friends when you're topless in an infinity pool?
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Joanna is surprised how well everyone is getting along in Vegas -- everyone has been on their best behavior. She's even getting along with Adriana!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lea's definition of "best behavior" and Joanna's is a little different. Did she forget about the naked swim earlier? Still, she doesn't trust Adriana quite yet.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
As the ladies have some bachelorette fun with suggestively shaped pinatas, Lisa admits to some problems with Lenny and lets everyone know she wants to let loose.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Another gambler is smoking a cigarette, and Lisa isn't having it. She calmly reminds the fellow patron that smoking is bad for your health. Ok, so maybe it wasn't so quietly.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
The bride-to-be gets a blindfold for her big party bus surprise on her last night of freedom!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Something tells us Lea wasn't ready to have a lap dance...but the strippers liked her too much to leave her alone!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lisa on the other hand was right in the middle of the action. It's Vegas, baby!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Soon Adriana and Lisa were having a strip-off. Adriana doesn't like to pass up a pole.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
When Lisa touched Adriana's hair during a spin on the pole, Adriana was left with no choice but to exact a punishment. Let's just say these ladies got close.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lisa was not going to accept defeat, so naturally she climbed on the bus and did some sexy dancing (much to Alexia and Lea -- and the male stripper's -- surprise!)
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
But all this fun didn't last for long -- when Lisa has a little too much to drink drama with the bride explodes.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lisa wasn't going to take jokes about being married for money lightly, and fires back at Joanna for telling her to get a job. This bachelorette party just became a bachelorette blow-up!
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Alexia steps in, saying Lisa needs to take a step back and blames the alcohol for her dramatic behavior. This does not go well...
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lisa and Alexia face off and exchange where Alexia jibes, "I don't need a pole to have personality." Looks like our Miami ladies fight dirty in Vegas.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Lisa doesn't understand why Alexia is involved in her dispute with Joanna and goes on the attack mode.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
But Alexia won't go down without a fight as both ladies say some shockingly nasty comments to one another. We have a feeling this was not the bachelorette Joanna had in mind.
Miami Wives Gone Wild in Vegas!
Finally, Lisa has enough and walks out. This party is over for the Peacemaker of Miami.