Almost to the End
Kim explains why she didn't feel it was appropriate for her to attend Adrienne's vodka party.
Hi everyone! I hope you're having a great week! Well, we're almost to the end.
Adrienne's vodka launch party looked absolutely amazing, and way over the top, but there are certain things at this point in my life, that I do not feel are appropriate for me to attend.
When I first heard about it, many people said, "It's just a party, why not?" But there are certain things I just feel comfortable going to, and a vodka party is one of them. I just can't jeopardize my sobriety in that way. It was a beautiful party and I was glad I was able to watch the episode. I thought it was great to see Paul all dressed up in the tree!
I was very excited I got the opportunity to go to Lisa's new home. Walking in, Villa Rosa had a beautiful flow! Lisa's taste is quite beautiful.
No, I did not get the long black dress memo. Haha! I thought I was going to a housewarming, but I was surprised and excited to find out it was a ceremony to renew their vows. It was lovely and I was so excited to be there.
Thanks and talk to you next week!