What Really Happened
Renessa reveals what really happened on the cruise.
I couldn't stop laughing watching this episode! Those boys are funny, aren't they?! I mean, I heard about the Mud Run when they got back, but I had no idea. Peeler! He's so real -- I love him. He's a great person. Hmm, I actually didn't mind the pool games. I have honestly NEVER run around and played and jumped in a bikini before. It was one of those moments where you just have to say, "Awww, screw my insecurities, I wanna have fun!" And I didn't look half bad. Believe me -- after you have a kid, it is extremely hard to see your body as anything but gross.
And, for the record, Jackie was totally faithful to Briana on our little voyage. We were just silly drunk girls having a good time. It was very innocent, as you all saw. Jackie has found love and wasn't even tempted to stray.