George Wendt returns to his old stomping grounds to help Padma judge this Quickfire. Just don't call him "Norm."
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
The gang begins another unpredictable day, heading into the famed Cheers bar.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
These two look like they're having a great time -- but don't get too carried away, there is a challenge to be judged!
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Melissa meets George and presents her take on a bar snack.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Katie serves her beer-battered fried cheese curds.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Adam questions James on his Michigan-style bar food, "You're serving Norm from Cheers crudité?" -- and that he does.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
George seems to be having a moving experience thanks to all of these reinvented bar snacks.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Adam serves his latin-inspired dish -- black bean chilaquiles with a fried egg on top.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Mei puts her own twist on the most traditional of bar foods, serving chicken wings in a lime-chili vinaigrette.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Michael Schlow has arrived, and he is no stranger to Top Chef. Welcome back!
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
For this elimination challenge, the chefs are split into teams once again -- and somehow Katsuji and Aaron end up on the same team...we hope these two can keep their tempers in check. And we bet Gregory is hoping the same thing.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Keriann, James and Melissa make up a much more cooperative team -- but James puts team morale before his gut instinct to make lamb, agreeing to do an all-fish menu. Will this decision bite him in the end?
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Mei and Doug scope out branzino at the fish counter.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Stacy heads to the meat counter to grab some juicy rib eyes.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Adam knows very well that being time-conscious is one of the most important skills a cheftestant can have. Check that watch sir!
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Mei grabs a whole lot of a mysterious green ingredient.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Katie's hair blows in the wind as she traverses across the kitchen. Is she rushed and running? Or just trying to show off her luscious locks?
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Aaron may be the messiest in the kitchen, but right now he has an impressively clean station...time will definitely change that.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
The Orange team harmoniously works together on their three-course Italian meal.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Tonight is a double-elimination, meaning the stakes are even higher than usual. We didn't think it was possible!
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Stacy artfully cuts into her rib-eye. That is a beautiful piece of meat...
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Tonight the cheftestants are serving their food at one of Michael's restaurants, Via Matta.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Did we mention that Michael is expediting tonight? No pressure...
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Michael and Tom seem almost as nervous as the contestants are -- it's difficult to deny that this is an important night.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Emmy Rossum arrives in the form of a chef's worst nightmare -- a gluten-free diner!
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
The team's menu that receives the most orders tonight will be the winner -- but obviously the judges will be eating all four menus. Hope you didn't spoil your appetite, Padma and Tom!
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
We wonder if Richard has caught an episode or two of Shameless?
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Is it safe to say that these two are professionals at dressing for dinner? They know how to bring panache to a the party.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Emmy is a big fan of Top Chef herself, and we're honored to have her guest judging.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Richard can appreciate anyone who is just as enthusiastic about food as he is, and based off of Emmy's big smile, we can tell she's having a blast.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Tom and Emmy visit with the diners to get a sense of what they found delicious -- and less than delicious.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Looks like these dinners were thrilled to talk to Tom -- or maybe they just asked him an embarrassing question.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Padma and Richard take a dinnertime poll as well. We wonder what returns they heard.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
These guys are sporting some serious faces, but not for long...
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
The purple team wins!
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Now comes the hard part -- which two contestants will be going home tonight?
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Unfortunately for James and Rebecca, their dishes weren't executed to the best of their abilities tonight, and they are sent home.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Rebecca says goodbye to her team.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
James will be missed...we're certain Patrick Swayze would be proud of him.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
Although they're in competition, these chefs have become their own little family. The rest of the contestants are sad to see their friends go.
The Chefs Drink Beer, Go Gluten-Free
James and Rebecca share one last hug before leaving the Top Chef kitchen. Will they be able to return through Last Chance Kitchen?