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Chris Cosentino: No Compromises

Chris explains the profound experience he wanted the diners to have during this challenge.

Bravotv.com: Did you think it would be you and Kerry at the end? If not, who did you think it would be?
Chris Cosentino: I predicted that Missy Robbins would make it to the final two but her accident forced her to leave the competition early. The game is so dynamic that anything can happen.

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Bravotv.com: What did you think of the concept of the final challenge?
Chris Cosentino: The final challenge was a very personal experience. I’m passionate about food for its ability to create such a profound experience for chefs and diners alike. The final challenge really resonated with me for that reason.

Love, Apology, Thanks, and Self

Bravotv.com: A big decision you made was going to three different shops, while Kerry only went to Whole Foods. Do you have any regrets about that decision or wish you had done any aspect of that differently?
Chris Cosentino: I still feel like it was the right decision. Win or lose, I did not want to compromise on the ingredients that I would use. In order for me to put out my very best dish I did not want to make substitutions so those three stops were necessary.

Bravotv.com: What went through your mind when you saw Manfred come through the kitchen door?
Chris Cosentino: I was relieved and extremely happy! He worked for me for almost seven years and he understands all of the intricacies and nuances of my methods and flavor profiles for my dishes.

Bravotv.com: What was your overall strategy with your final meal?
Chris Cosentino: The final challenge was all about heart and soul. I really wanted to dig deep and discover what this challenge meant to me and capture it in my dishes. Ultimately, I just wanted to cook my food, my way without holding back.

A Dish with Heart, Literally

Bravotv.com: Were you worried at all about serving offal dishes to the judges?
Chris Cosentino: I serve these cuts of offal to diners everyday so serving them to food critics and esteemed judges did not concern me because they are professionals. They are use to eating unique food and appreciating diverse cuisine.

Bravotv.com: What else would you like to share about the season?
Chris Cosentino: The entire season was amazing and a great experience. However, the one thing that really stood out to me was seeing the Grand Canyon. It was incredible to see such raw beauty and power and it gave me such an appreciation for why the Hualpi tribe will never give up their land.

Bravotv.com: Any word from your charity on your success?
Chris Cosentino: I think they are happy. It feels so great to win for such an amazing cause.

Bravotv.com: What’s the greatest thing you learned about yourself and your fellow chefs from the season?
Chris Cosentino: The biggest thing that I took away from the season was patience. It is so important to be patient when you are working in a kitchen and in teams that are constantly changing.

Bravotv.com: What is one offal you have yet to try that you want to?
Chris Cosentino: Balut, the Pilipino delicacy of a hatched fermented duck egg, and natto, fermented soybeans from Japan, are two things that I really do not like. Most of all, I will not eat fast food!

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