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Just the Beginning

Stacy is taking what she's learned and incorporating it into her everyday life.

After all the crying, heavy breathing, vodka tonics, and naked trainers, our Thintervention is now complete. Bryan, Mandy, and I were talking at the finale about how this is really just the beginning for us. This is our chance to start clean and fresh, and the best part was that we did this for ourselves.

The six weeks away from Jackie made me push myself harder than I ever thought was possible. I think one of the best things that came out of this process for me was that I became my own trainer. I took the advice from Jackie and Craig and used it every time I step foot into a gym, a restaurant with friends, or when stress might try to get the best of me. I always like to think that I have a mini Dr. Ramani with me when I go out to eat. She has become my talisman for sane eating because of her no-nonsense attitude and well-grounded advice.

I really have learned that life is all about balance. You won't gain back all the weight if you don't make it to the gym everyday. A cookie does not a fatty make! It's when it becomes ten cookies and two weeks without going to the gym that the imbalance shows on the scale. It's more important to get to the root of why you are choosing to eat the way that you are. If you are suppressing something or trying to medicate yourself in some way. I like to think about it as if I'm a car; I won't fill the car with more gas then I need, nor will I use cheap gas that will make me stop somewhere else to fill up again.

I'm not saying I've got a complete handle on this yet, even though I have surpassed my goal weight. I still have times where I have to pre-plan my days so I don't go hours without eating, I have to keep a watchful eye on when I decide to have a cheat meal, and I keep a strong support system around me at all times. Especially when I get that reoccurring nightmare of me looking like Eric Cartmen dressing up like Jabba the Hut trying to grab a microphone stand. You've never had a nightmare like that? Just me? 

I feel so incredibly blessed to have been a part of this process, and I will be forever grateful. Bryan and Miguel are two of the sweetest people I have ever met, and they make the best workout buddies anyone could ask for. 

I've decided that Mandy is like sunshine; no matter how you are feeling, she will be there to brighten your day. She and her family are so loving, and I hope that I will be lucky enough to follow her example. I thank her for being a pillar of support and always being a phone call away.

Lastly we come to my husband Craig Ramsay. He helped me so much throughout the six weeks we were away from Jackie, and I owe a huge amount of my success to him. He never gave up on me, and he was the only one of Jackie's team that sat me down and asked me questions about PCOS and what we were going to do to fight it. I don't know what I would do without him sticking by me in the gym, and I look forward to seeing you all in the spring for our Broadway themed wedding.

I thank you all for coming on this journey with me, and I'm so glad you liked the show!

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