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Extreme Workout

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This workout is designed to have Jackie’s clients work together.  Paired up into groups of 2, clients are required to complete the entire workout while sticking together with their predetermined partner.  Because this workout is challenging, they will need to encourage and push their teammates to get to the top together.  Clients MUST stay together or everyone will be required to start over.


Each client will be given a Body Bar (Weight is 10 lbs for women.  20 lbs for men.)

Climb #1 – Road to 1st Plateau

As a warm up, clients begin the windy road to the 1st plateau.  Each client is tethered to their partner and carrying their body bar. 

Station #1 – Body Bar Workout

At the 1st Plateau, clients will find 8 mats and are told to unclip from their Buddy and stand on their mats for a series of exercises.

· Jumping Jacks

· Overhead Press w/ Body Bar

· Standing Chest Press with Body Bar

· Bicep and Tricep Press

         REPEAT x3

Climb #2 – Steep Trek w/ Weighted Vests

Clients will be given weighted vests, Men 40lbs and Women 20lbs.  Still paired with their Buddy but NOT tethered (for safety reasons) they will be instructed to hike a very steep section of the canyon.  This portion of Runyon is split up into two parts, stairs and a steep slope.  Client MUST stay with their Buddy regardless of how long it takes.

Station #2 – Resistance Bands

At the crest of the steep climb, clients will be asked to REMOVE their weighted vests and line up next to their buddy.  Jackie will then pass out resistance bands (tension would be medium) and given 5 different exercises.

· Concentration Curl

· Front Raise

· Overhead Press

· Lateral Raise

· Reverse Flies

         REPEAT x3

         WATER BREAK

Climb #3 – Weighted Trot

Clients will be given weighted wrist weights, Men 10lbs and women 5lbs.  Still paired with their Buddy but NOT tethered (for safety reasons) they will be instructed to Jog the remaining distance to the top while staying together. Once at the top, everyone must do jumping jacks until the last group arrives. 

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