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Karen Huger: This Woman Showed Herself to Be a FRENEMY

"I will continue to pray for her."

By Karen Huger
Does Karen Huger Prefer to Hang Out on IG Live Rather Than Hang Out With the Ladies?

Bravotv.com: Do you have any regrets about going to New Orleans with the ladies while you were still grieving over your parents?

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Karen Huger: I have no regrets about choosing to join the ladies in New Orleans. This trip provided the answer to whether or not Gizelle was a true friend or not. This woman showed herself to be a FRENEMY. I can accept that, after all knowledge is power

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Bravotv.com: What did it feel like touring the plantation and sharing that experience with the rest of the ladies?

KH: Touring the plantation with Gizelle's Dad was a powerfully enlightening experience. It shed light on the family's history and why Gizelle is the way she is.

Bravotv.com: What was running through your head when you were relaxing in bed on IG Live and the ladies started to bother you?

KH: I am barely over Gizelle's passive aggressive behavior at the dinner discussing my business and friendship. Let me say this again, I came to the Ubiquitous Women's Expo to be supportive and I appreciated being introduced to someone who has helped Gizelle; however, I was already locked and loaded with my business plan for my fragrance so honestly I was chatting and sharing some newly decided directions and Gizelle was included in our conversation. For her to feel upset she wasn't "in the know" or that I didn't share information with her at my house about my business decisions is ridiculous, maybe she will be upset next because I didn't tell her that I am moving back to Potomac!! Anyhoo...when I gave my regrets about not wanting to go to the bar with the ladies that evening, all the ladies were supportive and understanding. Only to find out that later that evening, in the hotel lobby Gizelle was acting a fool once again. How dare this woman question how or when I choose to acknowledge the loss of my parents. Is there no level of LOW this woman will take herself to? A FRIEND would have been supportive, happy I was comfortable in my room. A FRIEND would have been understanding that I didn't want to "rip it up with drinks and shots" as that was not what I could do at this time and all the women said they understood. Remember, I just buried my dad two months prior...a FRIEND would have done many thoughtful things...a FRIEND would NOT have made fun and taunt someone who was grieving...

And this woman is saying she wants to be my FRIEND?  

HA! HA! Really?! I am actually disappointed in her, she's better than that. Maybe when she reflects she will see what kind of UNGODLY person she has become! I will continue to pray for her.

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