More Behind-the-Scenes: Is a Season 1 or Season 2 Reunion Harder? #RHOP Weigns In
What's the difference in entering a reunion for the second time compared to the first? The #RHOP tell all.

A new year means a new reunion. Every season of The Real Housewives of Potomac ladies bring with it fresh drama and new beefs. The same holds true for the reunions - different drama, different dresses, and now, we find out the different feelings the ladies have going into the reunion. The ladies of Potomac break it down for us in a behind-the-scenes video. How is it different going into the season 2 reunion compared to season 1?
Robyn says that in all the women's second go at the reunion, everyone seems much less tense and defensive than the year before. Charrisse agrees, saying that she's a lot more, "relaxed, calm, [and] resilient going into this one." Ashley concurs, saying that this time it's easier to anticipate what will be asked, but remains well aware that old feelings come back rather quickly... even if things have already been put behind her. Karen had a slightly different take, claiming that everyone is, "a little energetic" and "really, really nervous" going into a reunion. You can watch the video above for more deets on going into your second reunion from your fave Potomac 'Wives.
For everything behind-the-scenes head to the #RHOP Road to Reunion and check out these never before seen moments now: