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Shannon Says "Enough About the Chair"

Perhaps Shannon and Heather will just agree to disagree about what really happened during #Chairgate.

By Shannon Storms Beador

Wow! We are already on the seventh episode. Let's get into it!

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Bottom line, I love Christmas! It is my favorite time of year! Although I have seen many amazingly beautiful holiday card photos from computerized images, I prefer the old-fashioned photo on our Christmas card. (We also always put a wallet-sized photo in the inside of the card as well!) I like to take a nice photo each year and admittedly get a little (or a lot) obsessed about getting the best picture or using the catchiest wording for the card. This year was no different. Adeline had broken her wrist right before Christmas after tripping over Stella on the basketball court, so the caption inside our card read, "You better watch out, you better not cry, or trip over your twin sister..." I thought it was cute.

Both Heather and I clearly get involved in our family photo ops. I thought it was funny to watch each of us wanting the best shots possible! Clearly we have some similarities!I did not or do not "talk about Heather all the time" and I am definitely not obsessed with her! I met Heather for one afternoon before she introduced me to Tamra and Vicki and I have certainly not "disrespected" her in any way.

It's interesting that Lizzie said I am always rehashing issues with Heather because at this point, I had only met her at Javier's and seen her at the hoedown. I enjoyed spending a little one-on-one time with Lizzie for a make-up lesson at my house, not like she needed it! It was not a pretty sight, however, to see me without makeup! Ericka Brannon is an amazing make-up artist that works with MAC and she has definitely worked her magic on my face many a time -- the Christmas card being one of them!

Tonight you get a glimpse of me "pre-nose and chin job." I had the surgery my sophomore year in college and thought it would change everything! No one really noticed afterwards which I thought was crazy! Dr. Robert Singer clearly made them look like they were naturally mine! As we learned how to properly apply makeup when not sitting at a stoplight, the girls asked what to expect from my upcoming holiday party. I am a believer that as long as you have good food, good people and good booze, you have a great party -- classic and traditional. (Stay tuned next week!)My meeting with Heather. I don't really understand what Heather is saying when she states, "I'm not a paranoid person, so if I feel someone is talking behind my back, it's probably true." Is she psychic? I don't walk around talking about her all day. I have a life! I can't keep talking about this chair thing. Heather's "perception" of what happened is wrong. Her "side of the story" never happened and I am tired of hearing about it. Heather taking her chair back never "set me off." Enough.


When Heather tries to explain why she feels "left out," it is frustrating that she speaks to me with her finger pointed to me. She told me she was traveling over Thanksgiving break so I never invited her to a football game because she said she was going away! Apparently she flew home from back east with her family on the day of the game and said that she could have come to the game after they landed. There is no way I could get in a car and drive an hour to a football game after a six-hour flight, but apparently I should have asked because she and Terry may have come. I am a "more the merrier" type of person. There was no bad intent to exclude. Clearly Heather and my "perceptions" are not on the same in many instances. My gut is telling me that it is not really going to change either, but I am a positive person. I like to move on. We’ll see…

Please follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You can visit my website at ShannonBeador.com. You can contact Ericka Brannon at ErickaBrannon.Carbonmade.com.

Talk to you next week! XO

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