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Shannon: I Want to Know My Husband Loves Me

Shannon shares the take-aways of her trip -- how her marriage improved, knowing when to drink straight from the bottle, and how to deal with rose petals.

By Shannon Storms Beador

Tonight I get a break from the ladies and you see more of my home life -- actually my life AWAY with my husband! Yeah!

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I was so thrilled that David planned an overnight trip to the St. Regis. He was so thoughtful to have made the arrangements and then surprise me with it! I am happy that you are able to see a more playful side to our relationship this week. David is very funny and makes me laugh a lot -- I was literally hysterically laughing the entire time we were away!

David likes to tease me, especially in front of other people. I thought it was hilarious when he joked in front of the bellman about "my" snoring and "getting into bed." Whenever we travel (with the kids), he loves to put on the robes that the hotel provides. It was really sweet that he suggested it when we were alone! It's just the presentation and tone when he suggests it -- cracks me up!


I have heard a lot of backlash from viewers saying that I am constantly nagging and complaining to my husband. You are definitely seeing that on camera and it isn't right. I would like to say, however, that the cameras were not rolling six-plus years ago when I began asking to go away for one night or to at least have date nights. I absolutely became bitter and resented David for not making an effort, and I have admitted each week that my approach was not the right one; I clearly have been pushing him in the opposite direction. He works so hard and instead of affirming and appreciating all that he has done for our family, I have only been focusing on myself. I know I am not the only one out there who has experienced a lack of intimacy in their marriage after 13 years. If you are, take my advice and don't nag -- it doesn't work.

David brought up the fact that he took me away for one night to the Montage Hotel years ago. It was actually in September of 2009. We went there and watched the USC/Ohio State football game. One night away in 13 years to watch a football game is not enough. Date nights are important as well. I absolutely mean it when I emphasize the need for maintaining a connection with your spouse because when the children grow up (and it happens so quickly!) you can't be strangers with each other. You just can'’t complain when trying to make that connection!

I mean it when I say that I don't want to force anyone to spend time with me, let alone my husband. I am actually a very secure person, but as you can see, I have become less confident in my marriage and want reassurances to know that my husband loves me. I am a fun person (and a little zany as you have seen!) so it has hurt my feelings that he hasn't wanted to have a little bit of fun with me alone! It is a blessing that we are starting now and you can start to see it!

It was so funny to me that David wanted me to wear this old dress that I didn't even realize I had kept for so long! He likes it because it is low-cut. I breast fed Sophie for 26 months and the twins for 14 months so my breasts have seen better days, that's for sure. David always teases me about getting plastic surgery, and then I tease him right back. I want my daughters to grow up confident with their looks and do not want to send them the message that they should surgically alter their bodies if something isn't perfect. That being said, I am not going to say I never will have plastic surgery sometime in the future because you never know! See -- it's that contradiction thing I have going again!

I would like to make it clear that I order a Grey Goose neat and a large bottle of sparkling water whenever I have a drink. I can't stand the taste of alcohol, so I dilute it and I mix it a vodka soda myself (low carb!). When you see me take a sip out of a vodka bottle in the room, you need to understand that I knew you all would be in the room with me and I felt extremely awkward about it, as did David. I felt that some liquid courage may help in the situation! I never drink alcohol straight out of a bottle (I have done a rare shot here or there), but of course you have had the fortunate opportunity to witness the one time I do it! Lucky me!

I have never had rose petals set up for me in a hotel room before. It was sweet of David to think of it! You do have to be sure to take them off of the bed though because you will have a lot of dead petals on you in the morning! David’s joke at the very end about waiting another 12 years for a night away and my response is classic "David and Shannon."  I thought it was hysterical!


Our night away at the St. Regis was incredibly bonding. I do believe that when David and I are in tune with each other, it is the ultimate romance. You will be happy to know that we have taken multiple trips away together since the St. Regis -- and have actually boarded an airplane a few times to get to our destination. I thank the show for this. It has forced us to analyze where we were and where we want to be. . .and we are clearly moving to a better place!

Get ready for next week! The sparks are going to start flying! XO

Please check out my website at ShannonBeador.com and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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