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My Cup of Tea

Heather discuess the bowling party disaster and her problems with Sarah.

By Heather Dubrow

It's Spring Break, and in the words of Vicki "WOOHOO!!!"

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We are in Cabo with our amazing friends @lisaheil and @davidaugustinc (remember his stunning clothes from last episode?) with our broods. SUCH fun!!! I am halfway into my cocktail as I write this, so please forgive me if I'm not making sense.

Wow. Interesting episode all around. Here goes. . .

It was lovely having Tamra over for a glass of wine to "debrief " on the mud run! She is so fun and easy to be with. I was bummed she couldn't make it to the bowling party because of her surgery. What will I do without her?!?

Tamra is definitely worried about Brooks. I'm not seeing it, but Tamra has known Vicki a long time and she is genuinely concerned about the relationship. She is being a good friend -- but I don't think it's a good idea to question someone's man. This might not end well.

Having said that, the lunch between Vicki and Brooks at Canaletto's was odd. The greeting cards are becoming a bit much. He seems to be trying a little too hard. Maybe he's just nervous around her? She's a strong, successful woman, and I know that can be intimidating to a lot of men. We have been out socially with Vicki and Brooks many times and I've never seen this dynamic. BTW, Terry is a very good judge of character and he is really fond of Brooks.

When I invited everyone to Champagne bowling I got a much better reception than when I invited them to the painting party! (haha). I was disappointed that Alexis couldn't come. Of course, I understand doctor's orders, but I was hoping we could start over.

Speaking of Alexis, her performance on Fox Five was hard to watch. First rule of "journalism": know the name of the person you are interviewing! Also, let your guests talk! This is supposed to be a conversation -- not a soliloquy!!! Finally, while leading a discussion about sexual themes in the media (and being outraged) perhaps it's inappropriate to wear a blouse with your breasts hanging out. Children have access to Fox Five.

What a bummer for Gretchen that her voice isn't at 100 percent! It's so nerve wracking with such an important gig coming up. She is in great hands with the vocal coach. I thought Slade was being a bit controlling during the whole thing. I know he wanted to be helpful, but it's anxiety producing enough without being treated like a child. I was feeling for Gretchen.

Tamra's surgery. . .I am so happy for her! She is going to look so much softer and more natural! Eddie is sooo supportive. I love how he said "whatever makes you happy" about Tamra's decision to remove her implants. Well done! He's going to be a great husband and partner for Tamra.

Dinner with Jim and Alexis. I actually feel so bad for Alexis after watching this dinner. She is saying she is happy and in a great place. This is what she always wanted. I mean, that's exactly what you want to hear from your partner! Yet Jim totally shut her down. He wants her to give up the job she cares about so much -- why? It's one day a week! He wants her at home. Seriously??? He sounded like Fred Flintstone, only less self-actualized.

Changing the Terms of the Marriage Contract

On to. . .the bowling party! YIKES!!!

First of all: for the record I did not invite Sarah to the party . She is Gretchen's friend and though and I usually say "The more the merrier," in this case. . .maybe not. We had a nice chat at the top of the evening (love her then-boyfriend Kurt, he's a doll) and it all went downhill from there!

I was worried about Gretchen and Slade getting along with VickI and Brooks after what happened at the Bunco party -- but they were all fantastic. No one was looking for drama. Everyone was very civil and enjoying the stress free evening. The top prize of Cristal champagne was a big hit! Too bad I STINK at bowling!!!So, Vicki and I were waxing poetic about our day in L.A. and then BAM.

Sarah puts a nuclear hit on the evening! She is yelling at Vicki for NO reason and then is hugely delusional about how she approached her.

Trying to Avoid Tension

Side note: they already knew each other. Seems like she was looking to create drama and get some attention

I tried to diffuse the situation . She wouldn't listen to me or her boyfriend or Gretchen. This girl is nuts. I may need to screen Gretchen's friends for her! She is too nice to be friends with such a "wackadoodle" as G would say!

I thought Vicki handled it very well. Sarah couldn't let it go. She was on a hamster wheel going round and round and round.

I still tried to say something nice to Sarah at the end of the evening, but she was way too impaired.

I hope this opens Sarah's eyes to the fact that she obviously has a problem. She needs to seek professional help. If not for herself, then for the people around her. She seems to want to hate on me in her blog every week. I have tried to be kind. The truth is the first time I met her (Vicki's party) she was drunk. The second time I met her (at the Improv), she was rude. This time she was plain nuts. I tried to help her at the party and she is still somehow blaming me. I'm done trying. She's not my cup of tea.

Follow me on Twitter (@heatherdubrow) and like me on Facebook.

Follow my AWESOME husband on Twitter, too! (@drdubrow)

And check out the Bravo recap, too. Kim is awesome and she loves the show!

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