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Being Cabonian

Bravotv.com's Assistant Editor distills all the 'Wife wisdom from Episode 4.

This episode highlighted one of my all time favorite O.C. traditions -- a trip to Mexico. I've been obsessed ever since Vicki first graced our ears by gently cooing, "We're going to Mexicooo!" So much so that back in my college days of yore, my friends and I (I'm looking at you Alana Salguero) used to joyously shout that out whenever we were heading to a party. Good times... But enough about me, it's time to see what lessons we've learned from the fabulous first ladies of Bravo this week. 

How to Watch

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Where to begin... SHOTS! Every vacation should start off with tequila shots, even if you don't know the right order in which to take them. And, as Tamra and Vicki taught us, just keep trying until you find the combination that works for you. After some extensive research, the correct order goes as follows:

1. Salt

2. Shot

3. Lime

Or to use the ladies' terminology -- lick it, slam it, suck it. How they managed to take so many shots is beyond me, but bless their seriously super-charged livers, because I probably would have passed out. (Not to mention they chased it with some tall boys.) These girls know how to party, and I only hope that one day I should be so lucky as to do shots with them.

When you're on vacation, ordering a freshly brewed iced tea is completely unacceptable. Luckily Tamra steps in to save Vicki from her egregious faux-pas and quickly saves the day by changing her order to a Long Island iced tea. But in all seriousness, do either of them ever get hangovers?

Finally we come to body shots. If nothing else, Tamra has taught us that they can be done at any age, whether you're 42 or 21. And really it was all about respecting the culture and paying homage to the native Cabonians. It would be like going to Italy and refusing to eat pasta.  


Vicki taught us that when a friend wrongs you, you should milk them for a full-blown, extravagant apology. Preferably one that involves a trip to Cabo where you get the master suite. And heartfelt vows of undying friendship. Seeing this is enough to make me want to fight with a friend just for the fabulous make-up trip. 

Alexis and Gretchen's chat about marriage was also illuminating. Gretchen further explained the theory behind her lease option. Why risk the complacency that comes with marriage if you can just trade in your old model for the new and improved version? You've got to keep your significant other on his toes. That's where Alexis steps in. The important thing is to have "that one person to die with" (which I'm guessing isn't written into the lease option). I always thought it was more about having that one person to share your life with, but hey, it's never to early to be thinking about the afterlife, right?  

Vicki also drove home to Tamra (and the viewers) that while girl talk is all about honesty and openness, there is a line. Vaginal rejuvenation and five hour sex to Lady Gaga (insert disco stick/bad romance joke here)? Over that line. 


Need something to throw on for some shopping at the mall? A little number to wear for a quick trip to the grocery store? Alexis Couture has got you covered! Alexis' dress line runs the gamut from "informal" to wedding gown chic. All I can say is, it must be stressful to run errands in Orange County, because if Alexis Couture is any indication, you should have a dress for every occasion.    

Side Note 1: Hats off to Peggy for sharing her struggle with postpartum depression. 

Side Note 2: Don't miss next week when Tamra and Fernanda get real close (and real naked).

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