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No One is Perfect

NY Housewife Jill Zarin gives her take on Tamra's divorce and shares parenting tips for Lynne!

By Jill Zarin


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It has been a few busy weeks since I last wrote. Haiti being one of them. I have been working with my friend Sarah (from the Season 1 event in the Hamptons) to again raise money for Help For Orphans. We have a friend in the Hamptons with a small 4 seat Cessna plane that has been going back and forth to Haiti bringing supplies. He is not "rich" and needs money for fuel and supplies to bring to the orphans. If you want to help, please go to http://www.helpfororphans.org/. I can promise the money will buy diapers and medicine that our friend will bring directly to the children. We will be posting photos on the site so please keep checking. Any amount. It all adds up!

My blog. What can I say. It all seems so petty doesn't it? Well, not all of it. I actually have a lot to say regarding Tamra and Simon. Under normal circumstances, it is none of my business or anyone's business and we should say nothing. On the other hand, by being on a reality show and talking about it on Andy's late night show following the episode, it gives us permission to discuss it doesn't it? I just finished reading Simon's blog. If he had stopped after the first paragraph I would have had so much more respect for him. He contradicts himself. He says, "And I humbly ask at this time to please respect our privacy." That should have been the end of it. He should not be blogging. But no, he can't control himself. He continues with, "So let me just say a few words, and then let it rest." All I can say is that he is passive aggressive and should just STOP BLOGGING. He knows Tamra is reading it (as are all of us, strangers) and wants to continue ripping off the band-aid. Stop. Just stop Simon.

Tamra, you surprise me. In a good way. First, my heart goes out to you and your children. I went through a divorce myself privately and know how humiliating that experience was. The feeling of failure displayed in from of everyone must stir a lot of emotions in you. I hope that Ryan is giving you lots of love and being a "good boy." Something good always comes from something bad like this and maybe Ryan is turning his life around and becoming the man you and Simon hoped he'd become. Take your time and take care of your children first. I hope you both can at least agree to do whatever is in the best interest of your children first.


The Tupperware party. I don't really know what happened behind the scenes and can only comment on what is aired. Gretchen, I love you. You are so beautiful, funny, and your laugh is contagious. I could be with you all day listening to you giggle. But Gretchen, take down the blog about Tamra. I never read it, but it really hurt her feelings and you can't move forward together on a TV show as a cast if you are going to kill each other off camera. Just take it down so you can at least be on a level playing field. If Tamra had done the same to you I would ask her to take hers down.

Next, the new girl. I have said it before - she rubs me the wrong way. I don't know why. Maybe it's editing, but there is something not right about her. First, no one wants "MY HUUSSBBAND." No one. Certainly not on national TV. Your husband tried to tell you it was a Tequila party and to stop. At least you listened to him I think. I know I take a big risk saying this but there are problems in that house. BIG ones. I can tell. Jealously is an evil thing and less things have torn apart stronger relationships. He is very very controlling. She is insecure. As she gets older and more secure, she won't accept someone talking down to her. It is hard for me to watch a man talk to his wife the way he does. Does anyone agree with me on this? Or am I out of my mind? But I want to thank them. They are making Season 5 more interesting for us to watch!

Lynne and Frank. Lynne, if you lived in NY, I would love to workout with you! You are so driven. Now you need to take that same energy and put it into parenting. You are NOT a bad parent. You love your children unconditionally and have stayed married which is more than I can say for 50% of the country, including myself! I will not beat you up. Watching the show is killing you I am sure. What I will say is you often worry if your children like you. You say it a lot. "Frank, she likes me, right?" I will send you my book Secrets of a Jewish Mother when it comes out if you will read it. Gloria says to me all the time, "Allyson is NOT your friend. You are her parent, now act like one." I am insecure too and want my daughter to like me. When your life is successful and your daughter is an adult, you will be friends. I promise. But right now you need to be her parent. I would love for you to talk to Gloria. If you email me, I will connect you. I can see next week is going to kill you. It was shot months ago and I hope the situation is under control by now. No one is perfect. I know I am not. You can't take all the credit and you can't take all the blame. Good Luck Lynne.

Have a great week!


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