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Blending the Families

Lauri Waring's buisier than ever with wedding planning and the launch of her jewlery line.

By Lauri Peterson


How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County on Peacock and Bravo.

George and I have a great relationship, built on a foundation of trust. George appears to be quiet and conservative, but he really is hilariously funny. He has the greatest sense of humor that I've ever witnessed in a person. We both have very quirky personalities and try not to take life too seriously. Laughter really is the best medicine — we spend alot of time laughing! We share the same values and views in all of the important aspects of life, especially when it comes to parenting. We enjoy the outdoors, nature, recreation, travel, holding hands and lots of kissing! You only have so much time on this planet--you might as well enjoy it!

Our daughters have blended well with one another and it has been enjoyable watching them bond. I have always wanted a large family — the home is always buzzing and it makes the holidays full and warm. I guess the hardest part for me is that I have no experience being a step-mom and I have realized that you walk a fine line with trying to earn the trust and love of your step-children in both capacities of friend and parent.


Anytime you are sending young, beautiful girls to South Beach-one should be nervous. I trust our daughters, but you can't predict the behavior of others or how much influence the environment will have over them. You have to trust that they will handle themselves in a mature fashion or at least have enough bail money on them!

I am still working with my girlfriend Lorelei on our jewelry line, "Bella Roche". Check out our website www.bellaroche.com We just went live with the website last week and already have tremendous interest. As I was planning my wedding the past months, Lorelei was working her fingers to the bone in organizing this site. I would say it is 80% complete.

Our inspiration in structuring the website came from the enormous volumne of emails from viewers of The Real Housewives asking questions such as: "What necklace were you wearing?" "Where was the necklace purchased?" "Who was the designer?" and so forth. Lorelei and I have so much fun doing what we love — designing and handcrafting these one of a kind pieces.



Season 3 is a happy season for me! Most of my filming revolved around planning the most beautiful and romantic wedding ever. Austin Scarlett from Season 1 of Project Runway makes an appearance with me. He is currently designing the most amazing wedding dresses for Kenneth Pool. That was a fun day! Also, you get to see our family vacation in an RV! (You will be crying from laughter, I promise.) I hear that a family that RVs together stays together....well maybe!

My 10-year-old daughter Sophia was selected to be the official bat girl for the US Women's Softball World finals in Oklahoma — a highlight for her this season. Also, I remember getting in a bubble bath. The big question is, "Does George join Lauri and will he be known as Mr. Bubbles for the rest of his life?"

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