Studio, Jewelry, and Babies
Jo ponders a career in the entertainment business. Lauri is somewhat fed up with her work at Vicki's insurance business and plans to start a jewelry business of her own with her good friend, Lorelei. Kara's boyfriend, Steven, is on his way to his first year of college. Kara struggles with her high school sweetheart going away to school. Shane questions Steven and Kara's relationship, wondering out loud if Steven will stray, further stirring up Kara's fears. While Tammy is out of town for the weekend, Lindsey and Megan find time between Lindsey's work and Megan's life with boyfriend Roman to spend quality time together. Against Megan's suggestion, Lindsey throws a party for her teenage friends. Vicki is in the planning stages of expanding her insurance business even more, hopefully getting it to the place where she can fulfill her goal of working less and spending more time with her family.