Meghan King Edmonds: I Think Shannon Handled Herself Really Well
"Whether Shannon knew about David and Diko's conversation or not, she wasn't involved and shouldn't have been pulled aside to talk about it."
Over the last couple of weeks, it’s been so nice getting to see the girls’ relationships with their parents. My mom plays such a big supportive role in my life, so I’ve loved seeing that we all have that in common with our parents.
Seeing Peggy in her element at her and Diko’s 22nd anniversary party was so fun! I loved seeing Peggy dance and laugh all night – it was nice to finally see that side of her! It was a different kind of celebration than I’m used to, with the belly dancer and hookahs, but it was very pretty, and it was cute to see their kids be involved as well! And those extravagant gifts?! Amazing! I’m totally jealous of all the diamonds Peggy got!
I thought it was completely inappropriate for Diko to not only to call out Shannon at their own party, but to bring up something that she didn’t even do. Whether Shannon knew about David and Diko’s conversation or not, she wasn’t involved and shouldn’t have been pulled aside to talk about it. It’s interesting that Peggy and Diko were talking about how worried they were that there would be drama at their party, yet they’re the ones who started it. I think Shannon handled herself really well though!
Can’t wait for everyone to meet my friend Mystic Michaela next week!
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