Tamra: I Still Have a Lot to Learn on My Journey
Tamra opens up about her conversation with psychic Scott and teaching her very own booty class...
I like big butts and I cannot lie...unlike Shannon I like a big booty, I think it's sexy. In 2014 CUT stopped using licensed workouts (we still have TRX) and Eddie created our very own CUT Fitness classes. We offer everything from indoor cycling, core, strength training, HIIT, circuit training, Advanced Fitness Training, agility, and now...CUT FIT BOOTY. He told me that if I wanted a booty class that I would need to design it. I designed a HIIT class that targeted the booty and lower body. I thought it would be fun to try it out on my friends first before we launched and they were brave enough to say yes.
Shannon gets an A for effort! I know she has been working hard to get into better shape and I am very proud of her. I was peeing my pants watching her..haha.
Let's be honest any woman who's had three or more kids pees a little when they run and jump. However, I have found that the more you run and jump and train those muscles the tighter they get. SO RUN SHANNON RUN.
I knew Brooks' birthday was the day of the booty class so I asked him to stop by after the workout since all the ladies would be there. This had NOTHING to do what Scott had said and it wasn't to interrogate him about his treatment plan. It was simply a nice gesture and a reason to eat cake and drink after our workout. LOL.
I had no intention of telling Vicki what we had heard from Scott in a group setting, not to keep it a secret but I didn't feel we needed to make it a topic of conversation that day. After Meghan brought it up to Shannon, I texted Vicki and said I needed to talk to her about something and to call me the next day. Instead I got a call from Vicki after the dinner asking me what was said and I told her everything.
Let's be honest Scott said himself he is not a doctor and he is not Gandhi.
Let's talk about Scott:
When I met Scott I was going through some heavy stuff in my life and searching for comfort. My friend Marcos connected us and told me that talking to Scott might help me. I have never really been into psychics and have never thought there was any truth to any of it, mostly entertainment. Scott and I connected immediately and talking to him became very natural and easy, like old friends. We have so much in common, he jokes that he is a male version of me. We developed a friendship that had little to do with his psychic medium work and more like two friends chit-chatting about their life. But when you're talking to a friend that can communicate with the dead it can get weird sometimes. There was this one time that we were talking about something deep and we got interrupted by my grandmother giggling and telling Scott to tell me "not to fret," that everything would be okay. Neither one of us knew what the word FRET meant. I later told my mom and she said OMG your grandmother used that word all the time. (Check out Scott's FB page https://www.facebook.com/ScottCruzSpirit.)
I had been telling Heather about Scott for the past year. She had wanted to meet him so I planned a lunch in OC.
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We talked about a lot of things and unfortunately you only got to see a few minutes of it. When I asked him about Vicki it was out of concern, she had just lost her mother and she kept telling us that Brooks was fighting for his life and if she lost him too she didn't know what she would do. I was about to ask him if he thought Brooks would beat cancer when he stopped me.
Scotts words were "It sounded wishy-washy and he didn't see it." So I asked, "You don't feel he has cancer?" Scott said he might be picking up on negative energy and he just doesn't see it. Instantly we all thought "who would lie about having cancer"...talk about bad karma? He also said that Vicki and Brooks had an agreement.
After filming I talked to Scott and he felt bad, he does not like negativity in his life and was concerned that he opened up a can of worms and he felt dirty, but he was only being honest. Scott also said: Weeks ago Vicki called me wanting to smooth things out about my cancer assessment about Brooks and wanted to know what happened the day I went to lunch with the three ladies. We had a very mature conversation. I wanted to inform Vicki that I never claimed Brooks was lying or that he didn't actually have cancer, but that in my assessment I DIDN'T SEE IT. I explained to her that after speaking about heavy issues for two hours, I felt the "need to bathe." I quickly realized that my statement about Brooks would be controversy on the show that is bringing negative energy. I wasn't influenced in making any of the assessments I made, so nothing "went down" other than the fear of how it might play out after the point. We were there a few hours and tapped into a lot of issues of the women present. I believe it is very responsible to explain that as a psychic, making any kind of health assessment doesn't make us a doctor. I don't think that requires much intellect to interpret that as "only a doctor can really prove it." Vicki and I left on good terms and in good tone, and to what I understood to be a mutual understanding. I stand by my assessment, for this was what I was asked and not forced. For me, it is not and shall not be a crusade to prove anyone wrong. Or right. In any circumstance there is always hope, love and a power of deliberate focus.
I have gotten a lot of emails from my Christian friends and I thank you. Warning me about psychic mediums, in upcoming season I talk with Pastors Mike about Scott. At the time I did not know that the bible frowned upon it, I still have a lot to learn on my journey. I am not perfect and never will be so thank you for helping me understand.