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The Daily Dish The Real Housewives of Orange County

Gretchen Rossi Has Advice for Anyone Getting Microbladed Eyebrows

There's one thing about microblading that really surprised The Real Housewives of Orange County alum.

By Adele Chapin
Is Microblading Worth it? - Testing The Semi Permanent Eyebrow Treatment | Treat Yourself | Bravo

Gretchen Rossi started an Instagram Live yesterday looking a little different from her normal gorgeous self. The Real Housewives of Orange County alum had marker all over her eyebrows and forehead as she filmed, but she quickly explained it all: "I'm taking you along on little ride of getting microbladed," Gretchen said as she actually videoed herself getting the semi-permanent beauty treatment that draws on individual hairs for a natural look. 

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County on Peacock and Bravo.

Not only did Gretchen film it all live, she and "Eyebrow Doctor" Piret Aava aswered questions about the beauty procedure. Here are a few fun facts we learned from Gretchen's Instagram Live and her post.

You can pick a custom color for your microbladed brows: Gretchen wrote that she was "nervous about the color because I am so particular about my eyebrow color & I am so fair skinned. So she helped custom make the perfect shade for me (because I wanted them to be warmer rather then ashier)." Who knew? 

Does it hurt? "It's nothing! It's like Botox," Gretchen said in the video. "I'm really surprised." She didn't use any pain medication, just a numbing cream on her brows.

How does it feel? "It's almost like scraping across your skin," she said. 

Soooo excited! Finally got my eyebrows microbladed by the one and only @eyebrowdoctor (check it out on my live story from today) _______________________________________________________ I have been wanting to do this for two years now, but always have been way to scared because I get nervous about doing permenant things to my face (and no I have never had plastic surgery....yet 😜) Microblading lasts 1-3yrs depending on how you take care of them. ______________________________________________________. I have been researching people for years and Piret has one of the best techniques I have ever seen, she does them soo natural! I was also nervous about the color because I am so particular about my eyebrow color & I am so fair skinned. So she helped custom make the perfect shade for me (because I wanted them to be warmer rather then ashier) ____________________________________________________. Being a true towhead (blonde) it’s been hard to do my brows everyday because 1.) I have barely any color in my brows and 2.) not a ton of hair ......so this is such a great option for me! It’s only the first day and I am already totally obsessed! I feel like this is going to cut down on my routine of getting ready! ❤️just my eyebrows take like 15 minutes to get them looking perfect and symmetrical etc. 🙈 _______________________________________________________So if your going to do it make sure you research the person and really study their work, and know the right questions to ask 👍🏻 It actually didn’t hurt either! #bonus Obviously I would recommend @eyebrowdoctor to anyone!! Personally I think she is one of the best! She is located in New York, Miami, and comes to LA a few times a year! #Tipsandtricks #sharingbeautysecrets #eyebrows #microblading #yesthisisasnapchatfilter

A post shared by Gretchen Christine Rossi (@gretchenrossi) on

Check out the finished product! There's still a healing process but Gretchen's already obsessed with her new brows. She wrote on Instagram to her doctor: "Soooo happy with how they turned out! The color, shape everything! Thank you for being patient with me while I had 900 questions and concerns!"

But maybe the best part is that she won't have to spend 15 minutes every day filling in her brows. "It's a game changer for getting ready in the morning," she said in the video. Gretchen says her new look will last one to three years, which translates to a lot of time saved in the mirror.

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