Dorinda Medley: The Whole Thing Makes Me Incredibly Uncomfortable
Dorinda hopes the other 'Wives can finally let the Tom and Luann chatter die out.
Sorry I missed my blog last week. We can catch up this week! What would a season of RHONY be without a Christmas/birthday trip to the Berkshires? As everyone knows, I love holidays—ALL HOLIDAYS in fact—but Christmas? Well that's my opportunity to really "make it nice!" I know I just had to! This year I tried to change it up a bit. I added a few more decorations, planned for some activities for the group to participate in, like decorating the tree together, have a chocolate Santa contest and cookie decorating.
l'm excited for both Tinsley and, yes, Sonja to come up. With that said, the first to show up is the the Ramoja duo! I'm good with this as it gives me time to have a moment with Sonja before the rest of the group shows up. Lunch was a success, decorating the tree not so much. What can I say? I'm a control freak, and take I take this decorating job very seriously. This doesn't just happen. I can't just throw things on the mantle, the walls, the floor, THE TREE and hope for the best. It is a well-thought-out process that only my dearest Len should be involved with. She, too, partakes in the seriousness of Christmas decorating. Carole and Bethenny arrive together with a gorgeous crystal perfume bottle for a birthday present. Thank you! Tinsley arrives, sick as a dog, but also with a fantastic bday present!
While we're waiting for Lu, the topic of her relationship with Tom is brought up again! I want to address this once and for all: I always said if there is something you know or want to say about Lu and Tom, come to me, and boy, the girls did. I'll keep my word, sit down Lu as soon as she arrives, and give her the heads up, but the whole thing makes me incredibly uncomfortable, and it is becoming weird. She is not only getting married in two weeks, but I am a bridesmaid, and I have been sharing in her excitement of the upcoming nuptials over the last few months. To have her arrive at my home and have to talk to her about all of this negativity makes me heavy-hearted. As I said in my last blog, she is happy she is getting married, so it is time for everyone to step back and have some respect for this couple and the upcoming wedding. Ramona has to stop doing her investigative reporting and just drop it. Lu loves Tom, and and he loves her. It's time to butt out, everyone.
So there are fires in a non-working fireplace, smoke, a flopped birthday cake, and Bethenny is in tears. I'm hoping a good old-fashioned roast chicken and raffle chocolate Santa will lighten the mood. You can feel the tension between Ramona and Bethenny. Ramona seems nervous (spilling gravy all over my chair—add it to the list!) and Bethenny is observant, so we'll see how the plays out. Although very little is said at the dinner besides Ramona awkwardly whispering into Bethenny's ear, they decide to take it into the living room to have a discussion. I have no idea how thats going to go down, but I hoping there will be some form of resolution. Hoping, hold on, PRAYING. Just happy I'm not in there.
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