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A True Friend

Ramona addresses the other woman in Mario's life (Avery) and what a true friend should be.

By Ramona Singer

There is another woman in my husband's life: my daughter, Avery. The answer was so obvious to me!!! Avery is now a beautiful young woman of 16 years. The bond that Mario and Avery have together as father and daughter is one that I have never seen before. I had a terrible relationship with my father, and from the time Avery was 2 years old, I made sure she and Mario spent time alone together to bond. It's so important that happens, as all future male relationships will be based upon the success of her relationship with her father Mario. I achieved my goal and am so proud of them both. I never knew such deep love ever existed, as I never had it at my home growing up.

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People and friends are always amazed to see how much Mario loves me and how much I love him. The secret is trust, communication, and keeping the romance alive. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that Mario and I could love each other more deeply today than we did 20 years ago. I am truly blessed with my family and close friends, and I thank God every day.

Sonja is a good friend, but sadly she was projecting what happened to her onto what the fortune teller was saying to me. Her marriage ended because of another woman -- and it wasn't her daughter. Sonja to this day can't believe her marriage is over and has yet to recover from this loss.

Let's talk about what a good friend is: To me, a good friend always has your back and doesn't talk behind your back. A true friend is not two-faced. The fact that Jill said everyone in life (including her) is two-faced shocked me to the core! By hearing that, it really showed me what her viewpoint is on being a friend, and, to me, with friends like that, who needs enemies?!?

I wanted so badly to make up with Jill, I really did. That is why, at the end of the fight, I flopped on my bed and was so devastated by the fact that she would not apologize or just own up to talking behind my back. Yet, she wanted me to apologize about her not making up with Bethenny?!? This was beyond my comprehension.

Jill could never say sorry. She was so full of anger and venom that the conversation was not going anywhere. I kept talking over her to bring the conversation back to just being about she and I. I tried to stay calm, but how is it my fault she did not make up with Bethenny? Jill won't even own the fact and take responsibility that it was she herself that caused the end of their friendship. She's blaming me?!?

She seems to have two sets of rules, one for herself and another set for others. Jill seems to be a one-way street. Why can't Jill ever be accountable for what she does? I make mistakes all the time by putting my foot in my mouth, but it does not come from a place of meanness or ill-intent -- just from an unfiltered mouth that I am trying to work on!!! LOL! But I always own what I do and take responsibility for my actions.

Until next time. . .



FYI: All the jewelry I am wearing on the episodes can be found at TrueFaithJewelry.com/Ramona. Don't forget to connect with me on my Ramona Singer Facebook Page and RamonaSinger.com.

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