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The Emperor Has No Clothes

Alex defends Simon and calls out the other ladies hypocrisy -- including LuAnn's hives.

By Alex McCord

The hypocrisy was so thick tonight you could choke on it. I am continually amused that Kelly gets to meddle on Jill’s behalf, Jill gets to meddle on LuAnn’s behalf, Sonja gets to meddle on Ramona’s behalf and LuAnn gets to meddle in between anyone at any time, for any reason. All that is considered perfectly appropriate, but any time I ever stick up for anyone, or make a comment about events I witnessed, everyone with brown hair thinks I should be quiet. That is a double standard, but coming from them it doesn't surprise me.

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The most hilarious attempt at a shutdown tonight has to be "Stop it, small children are watching." Name calling and cursing are apparently fine fodder for small ears, but a differing opinion is not? Regardless, I seriously hope small children are not watching -- this is television for mature audiences. Our kids only see Simon's webisodes, and only when they are in them.

It was hard to watch, at times, because everyone kept shouting over everyone else. Watching tonight's episode gave me a headache. During the second half of filming, I decided not to speak unless I absolutely had to, because when everyone is talking at the same time, all you hear is noise. One thing is certain, if I were interested at all in climbing that mysterious social ladder, I'd aim higher than this lot.

Interesting that LuAnn broke out in hives when she was on the hot seat. She rarely broke her condescending tone of voice, but her chest told a different story. Kelly didn't get offended when she did, nor did she lecture LuAnn to stop being red.

I continue to be amazed that LuAnn maintains she has never made a dig at me. That is exactly what she did, all season, both to me in person, on her blogs, and (although she denied it) to others as well. Maybe she had too much champagne during lunch at the Pierre and forgot that she slammed me, and yes, nasty comments made in interviews do count as digs. LuAnn needs to take a closer look at her book, and if there are chapters she doesn't understand -- perhaps it’s time to schedule coffee with her co-writer for a refresher. Just from a psychological perspective, I’ve never met anyone who is as much a master of the sideways attack as Jill. She asks someone "How did it make you feel when so and so attacked you?" even if the person didn't attack anyone -- she suggests that it happened and if her victim isn't fast enough, they believe her. It's like the old interrogation question, "Where did you hide the money," when no money is missing, designed to make people believe a lie. My question tonight was whether Ramona ever actually said that she only drinks at dinner, because tonight I only heard Jill say that. She used the same technique against Ramona when calling her rude for thinking of herself, when her pregnancy scare supposedly should only have been about her daughter. Work that one out. . .

Regarding the mean tweeting, the professional victims gave it their best shots but were unable to show tweets from Simon that anyone agreed were mean. As the reunion is not a nine-hour miniseries, we missed out on most of the backtracking. I only wish Simon was there watching because he'd have felt 100 percent vindicated -- in every other way he was attacked tonight, and unjustly. See his blog post for his take on the discussion.

Simon is not a mean person. At all. Anyone who knows him, knows that. When he is attacked by idiots who make things up and hit him below the belt, he defends himself against their hypocrisy and lies, as honorably as he can. When people make comments that don't make any sense, he points out that they don't make sense. That isn’t mean; it's direct. He is passionate about injustice and unfairness, as am I. Is it polite society for people to smile and nod if a woman says, "Pigs fly and there is no national debt"? No! Intelligent people say, no, that isn't possible or true. I'm beginning to think that the emperor has no clothes, just like the fable, and the only ones who see it are Simon, Ramona, Mario, Sonja, and me. Everyone else is delusional.

Well, that’s it for this season! You don't see me or anyone else announce their new ventures, so I'm going to keep that under my hat a little while longer. The first order of business has been leasing office space, and we’ve both been busy crossing T's and dotting I's. It's worth the wait, I promise! To be the first ones in the know, follow me as well as my hubby on Twitter and Facebook. If you haven't already, please check out the two tribute videos our chums made to Simon's single "I Am Real" while we were in Egypt -- they are priceless and no, I’m not objective at all!

Have a wonderful rest of the summer; September will be here before you know it!



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