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Faking It

Ramona explains why she's not Simon's biggest fan.

By Ramona Singer

I was not able to make the charity meeting, as I had a previous commitment with Ma rio. I was extremely surprised at Kelly's response when they wanted to include her name on the charity invite. With this charity event we all decided it was going to be a small group of mainly just our friends. Jill was just trying to be kind and make Kelly feel part of the group. I felt her comments were negative and it was not the place or time to bring them up. It would have been nicer if she had just said, "It's kind of you to want to include me," instead of saying flat out no the way she did. She should have had another conversation with Jill after the meeting privately about any of her reservations, and then say she would prefer not to be on the invitation.

I really do not know how to "fake it" with someone I do not like.

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It is always awkward for me when I run into Simon and Alex.I really do not know how to "fake it" with someone I do not like. I have really never had a situation where I run into people I do not like. I feel as though Alex and Simon have invaded my territory. If they come to an event that I am also attending, I just find it easier to leave or go to the other side of the room. I could not believe how Simon just came up to me the way he did at the fashion show. Everyone does not have to like everyone else. It takes too much effort for me to try to be polite and make small talk, so I rather just avoid them than pretend.

Simon kept badgering me so I said what I thought. There is something feminine about Simon and if you took a poll of 100 people, I bet 90% plus would say the same. To me wanting to go to every party, or should we call it "every envelope opening," is shallow and that is also what Simon is about

.I really enjoy NY Fashion Week. Everyone has returned to the city after spending the summer away, and the energy level picks up. It is really interesting to see the trends of styles and color the designers show. I get invited to numerous shows now, but it is difficult to go to them all as they are such an event and one show can take up half the day. I really enjoyed Rebecca Taylor's fashion show and she had a wonderful after party for her special guests and friends. Rebecca is a warm and wonderful woman who is successful in business, and is also a mother and wife, so I really admire her! Her clothes fit me as if they were custom made and I always receive numerous compliments. They have dresses and tops that I can wear to the office and then out for the evening. I know when I have something of hers on I always feel great!

There is something feminine about Simon and if you took a poll of 100 people, I bet 90% plus would say the same.

The Badgley Mischka show was great, and the clothes were fabulous. It was fun to go back stage and chat with the designers, Mark and James. A close personal friend of mine is Dennis Basso. His fashion show was wonderful and it has becomes such a social event! Everyone seems to know everyone, and it feels like a party. There were other shows I attended, but Rebecca Taylor, Badgley Mischka, and Dennis Basso's shows were my favorites.

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