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Wyatt Webb is Awesome - Ep 14

Bravotv.com's Associate Editor is an equine therapy convert.

By Andrew Herrmann

Wyatt Webb, Equine Therapist, is my new favorite person. I mean look at this guy:

He is like a tough love/psychic Kenny Rogers.

Some people had trouble opening up and getting Wyatt's horse to lift its hoof. Case in point Melissa, who thought that doing "the Rosie walk" would help.

As Rosie herself pointed out, that is most certainly NOT a Rosie walk.

But Wyatt did manage to get most of the Jersey crew to open up, including one very surprising and moving reveal from Al Manzo about past abuse and getting Joe Giudice to admit he's afraid about his legal issues. And if he can get those two to open up, you know this guy is good.

Albert's Painful Past

We've rounded up all the biggest moments from equine therapy here (accompanied by some beautiful pictures of horses for your enjoyment).

And remember: "The more vulnerable you can be, the better. Everytime."But the healing didn't end at therapy. Joe continued to open up to Teresa during a little hot tub session (perhaps partially due to the fact she was sporting the infamous sparkly chuckalina suit).

Joe Doesn't Belong in Prison

Did anyone else want to give him a hug like Caroline?

And then everyone converged for some joyous Native American drumming. Oddly this was the one activity every single person seemed to really get into. Exhibit A:


How to Watch

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Afterwards it was time for a mini party, in which Joe decided to be the horse. And then this happened:

Yep, these two have clearly made up.

Finally, just like last week, Jacqueline and Teresa had a moment, but this time an even more momentous moment. They cleared up the karma comment, put the past behind them, and were even able to laugh and clean each other hooves.

Teresa and Jacqueline Try to Bury the Hatchet

Next week the Arizona trip ends, and it looks like Melissa and Teresa may still have some unresolved issues to work out...

Trusting Each Other
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