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A Fresh Start

Teresa responds to recent bankruptcy rumors and sets the record straight for inquiring fans.

By Teresa Giudice


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Hello Baby Dolls!

Alright, I'm going to dive right in here. I don't read the tabloids and I've been spending my days with my four little girls, so I really only heard about all the new stories circulating about me late last night from my fans. Thank you all for the heads up, for the wonderful wishes and prayers!

Since I don't really pay attention to the gossip, I don't usually respond to it, but I've gotten so many questions from you all that I want to let you guys know the truth.

As you know, Joe and I filed for bankruptcy protection back in October 2009 primarily because of real estate deals gone bad in a bad economy. We didn't spend millions of dollars on gold toilets or private planes. We bought buildings, fixed them up, and tried to help other people start their own businesses or be able to afford an apartment. The economy crash trickled down to everyone. We worked so hard for so many years and it was heartbreaking to file, and not something we took lightly. Of course you can't sit in your bed and just cry all day, so we moved forward, got new jobs, and are working hard once again. The point is to get a fresh start so you can move forward.

If we didn't give fresh starts to people, we wouldn't have the following great American companies that were only able to be created after their owners' filed bankruptcy: The Walt Disney Company, Hilton Hotels, Hershey's chocolates, Macy's department stores, Heinz ketchup and even WalMart. If Sam Walton hadn't filed bankruptcy after his first store failed, he wouldn't have been able to build the largest company in the world that employs more people than any other: 2 million!



But it's not a fun or an easy process. If you've ever been unfortunate enough to be involved in a legal situation, you know it's a lot of back and forth between both sides. Right now, our bankruptcy trustee is trying to get an auction going, and our lawyer is objecting it. Every day, there are new tactics used, stories circulated, and details "leaked" to the press, but it's all part of the legal wrangling. All I can do is rise above it, keep my head high, and know that at the end of the day, I have my family, my health, and I'm in God's hands. Nothing else matters, certainly not a lamp.

As for the story that I wanted money to appear at a charity event, completely false. I have never charged to appear at a charity event, nor do I accept anything for helping charities. And I help as many charities as I possibly can. I'm actively involved in Project Ladybug, but also Pancreatic Cancer, Autism, AID FOR AIDS International, the Red Cross, and Clean the World. I'm giving up Labor Day weekend with my kids to appear in My Big Gay Italian Wedding for charity for four days in a row. And I'm so honored and happy to do it.

I've never heard of the shelter that's complaining about me, but they called the person who books me in clubs and he told them he doesn't do charity, and to contact me directly. It's very easy to get a hold of me at my website, and I do check every email. I can't help every single charity that asks of course, but I do as I many as I can. I have no idea why this charity would try and bash me in the press, unless they were looking for press, which they obviously got. I did notice that Danielle was in attendance at this particular event…. Coincidence? Hmmm….

So let's talk about this week's episode. I actually really liked it. It was a nice change from the constant drama to just get a peek into everyone's life. I can't believe I've been married for 10 (well 10 and half years now) to Joe. We had a great anniversary.

You also got to see how we hang around and play games with our kids. Weren't they so cute playing Monopoly? And Milania had to be the shoe. Of course!

I also really liked seeing Christine's Sweet 16 Party. She is a beautiful girl, but you can tell she's counting down the days until she can leave that house. Poor Jillian has a little longer to wait. We finally got to meet their dad, and I think it's obvious where they got their good looks from! Jillian singing was so sweet, but it nearly broke my heart that Danielle was pushing her so hard. Of course, Danielle turned everything back around to her. Typical. I thought it was creepy that she would wear her engagement ring just to make a statement to her ex-husband's new wife. Sad.



Funniest line of the episode: Danielle, "I am the best mother in the world." I really can't even make that even funnier. I'll just leave it to stand on its own.

Thank you all for your continued support! My book signings are starting to feel like rock concerts! Over 1,000 people are showing up and they are having to close the streets! But I always stay and meet every single person, even if it's after midnight. And I do have the most fabulous, beautiful fans in the world!!!!

I’m hard at work on my next book, a follow-up with Skinny Italian. It’s going to be fabulous! I can’t wait! Visit me on my website , or join my Fan page on Facebook (I’ve maxed out on friends so they won’t let me accept anymore, I’m so sorry, but you can "like" me), and follow me on Twitter @teresa_giudice.

Tanti Baci!

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