Crossing the Line
Danielle talks Christine's first photo shoot, and Caroline's allegations.
My situation with my home was in need of repair both aesthetically and financially. The emotions I’m displaying are being shared not only with a realtor, but my friend Karen Goldstein who I met 16 years ago in Gymboree. I’m so proud to call her my friend, and also one of the best real estate agents in NJ. You are going to have to watch and see what happens with my home aesthetically and emotionally. But I can say the closets are clean.
Dina, I appreciated your comment about wanting me to be in a better place. I have trouble believing that was in reference to my home and the situation we are in. But, I’m going to try to stay in a positive place when I say that I appreciate any well wishes from anyone. Really, Dina? Seriously? Supermarket, guests? I know every person at that table except Traitor, her mother, and Kim G for nearly two decades. I have friends. I had all of my neighbors there, and I did want you and Jacqueline there. And I was hurt a bit, but I’m passed it now. Onward and upward. Why don’t you go back and sit in your little kitchen and talk to yourself for a little longer. Just sayin’.
Teresa, Teresa, Teresa … pay attention, puhleeze. Stop talking about your sex life. Nobody cares. And if you really were having one, you wouldn’t be spending so much time talking about it.
And when you start talking about me and what I did in Miami, you were still in a sandbox Teresa, so stop pretending you knew anything about my life in Miami, and the paperwork attached to it. There was no kid involved in the Miami case. And I’m going to make you and everybody else read the book to find out what actually happened. The Naked Truth, May 25. Buy a copy with all that money you like to throw around. I’m not sure if I’m more frightened by your ignorance, or your vengeance. You seem to have nothing nice to say about me, but yet that’s all you talk about – is me. And to sit and nod your head in agreement with Caroline about my children? Seriously... Caroline, I’m getting to you in a minute.
Teresa, when I mentioned that your daughter may not be supermodel material, it was because I believe she is only 8 years old at this point, and with time and maturity, she may be ready. But not now. And that is just my opinion, and I mean that with sincerity. She is a beautiful little girl. It is however, very, very cute when I see the little ones walk out after the fashion shows and come out in between all the models with the designers. That’s super cute. Christine had one of those at her show too, and your daughter looked really sweet.
Jacqueline, I appreciate and relate to what you have to say about drawing the line about things other people say about others children. I respected you for that ... a little bit. Could this be before you immersed yourself into darkness with the rest of your family? I hope you can find your way back to the light one day. That’s where I’ll be.
Caroline, next time you have a thought, before you let it hit the air why don’t you just take a moment before you do so when it’s in regards to my children. Talk all you want about me, but don’t you ever talk about my children. Don’t you ever badmouth them again. Just like Julia Robert’s line in Pretty Woman: "Big mistake. Huge." You think you are better than everybody else. Acting like everyone cares about what you have to say, and your opinion of me, and my children. You crossed the line, sweetie. In fact, you not only crossed the line, you ran across the line. I’m gonna say it again, stay out of my life. And if you are going to talk about me, that’s one thing. Don’t let me hear you talk about my kids again. Side note: How much money do you think you spend on ham that gets thrown around in your kitchen when there are children and people starving everywhere? Between Teresa throwing out perfectly good toys and you wasting food? Yea, you guys are charitable. Just sayin’.
My luncheon, to celebrate my daughter’s cover as a result of her first professional photo shoot, and who is sitting to the left of me still pretending to be my friend? Let’s just call her traitor. Have another drink, Traitor. Take off your rose colored lens as well. This is reality TV darling. Don’t hear your voice in here anywhere. Whoops. That’s because nobody cares. So why don’t you shut your mouth, because I’m going to tell you a little story… THE END.
I loved when my daughter Christine validated my bragging “Braggy Brag." Come on, now that’s super cute. And yes – I will brag. How great is it that my daughter is being handled by Ivan Bart? The best of the best in the business. An icon to the modeling agency, and new faces. With IMG as her agency, as the top international modeling agency in the world, and Ivan Bart personally handling her – all is right with the world. I feel very blessed to know that they saw in her what every mother sees in their daughters.
Now, as always first, last, foremost, my beautiful children. I am very proud. Was a little giddy. It was Christine’s first photo shoot with a world renowned photographer, Gilles Bensimon. He is by far one of the most talented people I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting, let alone being asked to take my picture. That was one of the highlights of my summer, standing there with my beautiful daughter and having Giles Bensimon shooting our photographs while Brandusa watched. I have so much to be grateful for. My daughters Christine and Jillian are my world, but they are also the world’s future. I pride myself in knowing that I’m a really good mom to them. I won’t claim to be the best at anything, but when it comes to my children you can look at them and see what kind of mom I am, because they didn’t get that way by themselves.
For now, until next week and always, I’ll be here. Just sayin’.