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Yolanda: Brandi and Joyce Are Oil and Water

Yolanda disagrees with Joyce's labels of Brandi and wants Joyce's husband to remember that it's not "Househusbands."

By Yolanda Hadid

Hello Bravo Lovers! I hope you are well and enjoying these last days of 2013. I wish you and your loved ones a very happy New Year. I pray that each day love, health, and happiness will come your way.

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So let's chat about this last episode of the year. . . 

I thought Carlton at the Hustler Store with David and his mom was just adorable. Gloria was such a good sport. How hip of her to be open minded enough to share an afternoon with her son and daughter-in-law that way. Even though they are very different women, you can tell that Gloria loves Carlton for the authentic woman that she is and values the happiness of her son.


I am happy you got to see a little more of my beautiful baby girl Bella, who's extraordinary spirit has guided and uplifted me through these difficult past 18 months. You don't really know what your children are made of until the mommy engine of the family shuts down and they are forced to step up and become the care-takers.

The truth is that a middle-aged woman like me shouldn't be having acne, but, of course, with my luck this year I celebrated my seven-year anniversary with some major imperfections on my face. I already lost my mojo, so these ugly zits are definitely not making me feel any better. But it's the reality and I guess my love has seen the worst of me by now. 

Nobu is one of our favorite restaurants in Malibu and I loved that David made the arrangements for this quiet little table overlooking the ocean and asked me to meet him there.

My husband is such a simple creature who does not like to shop or wear any luxury goods, so it has been a real challenge to keep coming up with creative and meaningful things to gift him over the years. The book, "For Your Eyes Only" was photographed last summer by my girlfriend/photographer Danica Perez. It was meant for our six-year anniversary, but since I was in the hospital at that time, I saved it and was now able to share the idea with all of you today. 

I have been driven by romance my whole life because I crave the intimacy that comes with that. Some might pretend it's a natural endless emotion, but I have learned that after a couple of years in a relationship with the same partner, it takes a conscious effort to keep the romance alive. I have tried the fancy, superficial life in my past, but I quickly learned that diamonds are not my best friend. Getting that love letter from my husband means the world to me -- and no gift bought on Rodeo Drive could ever supersede that satisfaction. I have a special box where I save every single one he has ever written to me.

I believe the core of most of us women is very simple. We want to feel appreciated, acknowledged, and something as simple as flowers with a little note or some love letters goes a long way. 

Kim's relationship with her dog is so sweet, but I agree with Chad. His advice to Kim was succinct, to the point, and right on! Smart boy!!

Kyle definitely has her heart in the right place. Putting on an event for the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles is such a great thing to do. And P.S -- all five girls looked hot in their outfits.

Lisa created a beautiful night at SUR and we all came to the dinner with the intent to reach out to Joyce and to spend time to get to know her better. But it ended up being exactly the opposite of what I had hoped to see happen.


When Joyce arrived, she ignored Brandi and said she only came because Mohammed was there. It seemed odd to me beacuse I thought we all came to the table with the same intent. . .Obviously I was mistaken.

Brandi and Joyce are like oil and water. Somehow in the five times they have met, they have brought out the worst in each other. What comes out of Brandi’s mouth is absolutely rude and inappropriate. Joyce on the other hand puts labels on Brandi that are extreme and might reflect her actions, but are not the person I believe she is.

Michael seems like a really nice man and under normal circumstances it's only natural for him to defend his wife, but unfortunately the concept here is called "Housewives" not "Househusbands."


I am part of this group and I don't even understand half of what they are truly fighting about because I was not a part of every conversation between Brandi and Joyce. But I can imagine that as a man it must be difficult to be on the sidelines of all this craziness. There are many sides to this story so please keeping tuning in to see it all unfold.

Until next week. Much love


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