Kim: Ken's Words Don't Affect Me
Kim Richards thanks the fans for making this season amazing and for their support in her time of need.

Hi Everyone!
All day I have pondered over this blog. Just watching the trailer for tonight's episode I realized all that we have been through this year. So many wonderful things that you have shared with us! The laughter, the fun, and even the tears. So many touching moments, and, yes, also our mistakes and our pain.
For myself, I can tell you it has been a great year. I have grown so much and learned a lot! I want to thank you all for sharing this year with me and my growth. I've had so many changes this year and I am still adjusting, but overall life is really beautiful and I am truly grateful for it.
As far as the the Final Episode: The 100 Year Anniversary! It seemed like people were having fun. At the same time it also seemed like everyone was trying to discuss their issues at hand. However, it just didn’t seem like anything got resolved. I apologized to Ken and Lisa for Puerto Rico but they dismissed me, as usual.
Hearing Ken say I am strange and from another planet definitely hurts my feelings. I have worked very hard to overcome many things in my life. Today I am just a happy, grateful, person and I have fun every day. I feel sad that he has to put me down for who I am, but it truly does not affect me. The most important thing is that I love me and my children love me, and in the end that's all that really matters.
I hope you enjoyed this season as much as I have enjoyed all of you! You have been such an amazing part of my life this last year and a huge support for me while going through some pretty big things.Thank you.
Ps Don't miss the Reunion!