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Gaining Perspective

Lisa thanks the fans for her support and sharing their points of view.

By Lisa Vanderpump

As we come to the final conclusion of a tumultuous season, it is time to say goodbye. . .

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I have to thank you the viewer for your incredible support, humor, and honesty, which is invaluable especially when we flounder and wonder if it is only us who "sees it that way." Then you all step in with your different points of view and suddenly, we gain perspective on the situation from many different angles.

Many of you have watched us all for almost 45 episodes over the last two years, so when people stop us in the street and say "I really feel I know you," I think you do. You have witnessed incredibly special intimate moments -- the preparation of the wedding, the news of the proposal, little vignettes of our lives that have been documented for all the world to see. It is almost as if you join us on our emotional journey.

I have few regrets this season, but I have been more deeply disappointed when watching the footage of some of the negativity. I would never allow, out of allegiance to my friend, somebody to repeatedly trash a friend of mine who was totally unaware of the situation until it had been aired. That is something I just can't fathom.

We wrap up the reunion with our husbands joining us, mine, always an indomitable support and so protective, certainly joined this circus unaware of the animosity that had been aimed at me. I felt it would have been better for him to remain in the dark, not to enlighten him until we finished. As we greeted each other he whispered "How was everything?" I replied "Just fine," knowing we were almost at the finishing line of what had been an arduous race.

I close the door on this final chapter, heaving a sigh of relief at witnessing the obvious improvement in Kim's demeanor. Even physically she appeared fuller, stronger, and better equipped to deal with the life long battle that alcoholism entails. I wish her well, knowing that just her acknowledgement is a huge milestone towards her recovery. Her acceptance of the public battle she has endured means her illness will be supported by millions. So many people across the world who have struggled with the same demons and can relate to her and the devastation the disease can ensue.

I have faith that her passion for her children will sustain her in her darkest hours and the obvious support she talks about that comes from the love of her family.

I do believe when many criticize the medium of reality television, they shouldn't be so judgmental. For as we watch stories unfold, relationships prosper, and others deteriorate, there are so many lessons we can all learn from each other. To observe and reflect on what we would do if faced with the same situation? We all have choices and I know, to criticize and put each other down is not the best way forward, to be honest, but constructively is a much better route and to be sure, before one utters unfounded accusations, that you have a responsibility to each other, to give the benefit of the doubt.

So I will sign off now, a bittersweet moment as we withdraw from this public arena. Assured, I and my family made, albeit at times extremely challenging, the right decision to share our lives with you, as the outpouring of well wishes for our daughter's wedding, and the support you have given me that often validated my beliefs has made it all worthwhile.

Till we meet again, remember my mantra, love and laughter supersedes all. And check out DoseofDivine.com.


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