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The Lollipop Guild

Dana gives us the details on her lollipop necklace and her preference on the dueling Las Vegas trips.

By Dana Wilkey

I was really happy Adrienne invited me to party with her, Camille, and Brandi in Las Vegas. I think I was a better fit with those girls in Vegas that weekend, as opposed to being with Lisa or Taylor. Frankly, Lisa is way too stiff for me and Taylor had so much on her plate emotionally, I'm not sure I would have recommended the trip to her.

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It's fun sometimes to hang out with the ladies in separate groups. With so many strong personalities, it's hard to get acquainted with each girl individually or get a word in edge wise—unless, of course, you're yelling at each other! At least with four girls it was much more manageable. It was nice that Brandi was there as well, since both of us are the "newbies" in the group. I actually got to know her a lot better on that trip, and we developed the best love hate/relationship, which we still enjoy today. Thank goodness for some (drama-free) time hanging out with the girls. At last the fun, I had been looking for.

I'd like to thank Adrienne for putting me up in a room with disco lights in the shower. Wish you could have seen it! It was also great seeing Camille and Brandi getting along (on the dance floor), I just hope the two don't start dating. LOL, kidding.

As crazy as I am, I did NOT buy the $1 million lollipop holder. It was leant to me by Sugar Factory and was given the necklace to wear while we were out in Las Vegas that weekend. They thought I was the perfect fit since I love "functional jewelry." They also love my diamond sunglasses. The last person to be an ambassador the diamond encrusted Couture Pop was Kim Kardashian. I was honored to wear it.

The Million Dollar Couture Pop holder was created by Joshua Pianko, Ido Izkovich, and Mario Leiva. The Perfect Princess Cut-designed necklace features 125 carats of white diamonds and 200 grams of 18 carat white gold.

Love a happy ending!

Tweet me @danawilkey I answer. Get your Dana fix at DanaWilkey.com.

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