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Drama in the City

Kyle discusses her side of the story, and answers some of your questions.

By Kyle Richards

Hmmm, where to begin...I guess I will first address a few comments from last weeks blog regarding my husbands ethnicity. The reason I explained that "my husband is Mexican but has no Mexican blood" is because people were asking/commenting on his and my childrens' PHYSICAL appearance. He is born and raised In Mexico which obviously makes him Mexican,  something we are both proud of.However, since people were asking about his heritage, I explained his roots. My children are a mix of Irish, Welsh (from my side) Russian, Greek, and Turkish (Mauricio's side). My children and I were all born in Los Angeles.

Now, on to New York! I was really looking forward to the New York trip. As you have seen, Im not a good flyer. I have missed out on many exciting trips due to my fear of flying. When Lisa suggested the Hypnotherapist, I immediately agreed. I don't want to continue to miss out on the fun! I really do feel that it worked. Even though I think Lisa and I looked crazy doing that! I thought that I would feel like I was in a trance. It felt strange and surreal; but I felt totally in control. Ironically on the plane to NY, the flight attendant came on the loud speaker saying "ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing technical difficulties….." and before she could finish her sentence, Lisa almost went in to full cardiac arrest. The attendant continued.. "experiencing technical difficulties with our food ordering system" I remained calm as could be while having to tell Lisa not to panic. Haha!

I was surprised to hear from Lisa that Camille was upset. After the Vegas incident, I spoke with Camille on the plane back from Vegas. I told her I was hurt that she snapped at me for simply asking about her spring break plans. All of us were sitting together in the lobby of our hotel discussing where we were going. Camille apologized and said that she is a very private person and felt interrogated by my asking. NEVER was there any mention of the comment she CLAIMS I made. If I had said that, why didn't she mention it then? We were all there for this conversation on the plane.

Once we were in New York, I just wanted to put all of this behind us and have fun. I thought by talking to Camille we could clear the air. At that point I was unaware of what she had claimed I said. I knew she had said something but not exactly what. I thought we had patched things up when we left the suite. Imagine my surprise when she came down upset again. When she said that I said, "who would be interested in you without Kelsey?" I was SHOCKED. I would NEVER say something as offensive as that. I don't KNOW ANYONE who would! I was getting very defensive because I felt my character was being attacked. I am an honest person, and now, not only, was she saying I said something that would never come out of my mouth, but also calling me a liar. I couldn't believe Camille could sit there like that and make such outlandish claims. I was obviously very upset. I always wear my heart on my sleeve. What you see is what you get with me.

After analyzing this over time, I feel that Camille, for whatever reason, believes people think that so SHE HEARD that. Those were definitely not my words or thoughts. I want you all to know that I do not believe Camille made this up to start problems or to be mean. I know Camille is not a bad person. However, we clearly do not see eye to eye. It really is an unfortunate situation. How I WISH the cameras were there that morning in Vegas!

Some answers to your questions:

1) The designer of the top I wore to my nieces spa party was Yumi Kim

2) The designer of the top I wore to Portia's party was Yoana Baraschi

3) The sequin dress I wore in the opening titles is designed by Camilla. I bought it at Vionnet boutique in Beverly Hills

follow me on twitter @kylerichards18

So I can answer your questions

Until next week!......xo, Kyle

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo Tuesdays at 8/7c and next day on Peacock. Catch up on Bravo.

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