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Kenya's "Home-Cooked" Meal

Kenya explains her frozen food farce.

By Kenya Moore


Another holiday season is amongst us and this is my first Thanksgiving as an official Atlantan.  There’s one problem…I missed the meal with my family because I was having cocktails at NeNe’s house! NeNe and her family were warm and kind and one cannot deny the fact that the girl is hilarious!  It’s good to have a genuine person open up their home to make me feel welcome. That’s what the holidays are all about and I appreciate the hospitality and thank NeNe from the bottom of my heart.

I watched RHOA this week in total amazement. There was Kim and her ongoing moving issues; Kandi ready to move forward into her new mansion; the revisionist historian and her intellectual challenges; and NeNe and Cynthia catching Phaedra in a boldface lie; and lastly me introducing Walter to my family and conversing about the imminent future.


I’ve only brought one man home to meet my family and this was the second. I was happy to see my family take it fairly easy on him. Trust me… that was them taking it easy!

A “home-cooked” dinner? Come on, that was funny! I’m a busy girl running a production company, decorating a new house, helping my family, taking care of Velvet, and working everyday on many various projects that pull me in ten different directions. I can cook, and have many times for Walter, but simply didn’t have time that day but still wanted him to have an enjoyable, romantic evening. A modern girl has to be able to improvise!

The beauty of having amazing cooks in the family and being in Atlanta is that I can drop by our restaurant anytime to eat great food courtesy of my cousin Che, the chef and owner, and you can too.  I’m extending a personal invitation to visit us and have a real tasty southern meal made with love and pride to anyone living or visiting Atlanta.  The Georgia Peach Restaurant and Lounge is located in the Underground at 50 Lower Alabama St SW Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 348-4300. You can find the menu at www.dinegapeach.com.


NeNe and Cynthia’s scene had me rolling on the floor! NeNe is cray cray and I loved seeing her make all those faces and mimic Phaedra -- classic NeNe at her best. But Cynthia milked that call for all it was worth, didn’t she?I watched it over and over and didn’t fully grasp why Phaedra ever said she didn’t “give a f*ck about Cynthia coming to her event” because I thought they were friends. I also didn’t understand why Phaedra denied ever using profanity, because I have definitely have heard her use that type of language before while getting to know her. I’m not judging, because I have said worse.  I don’t know the entire history between these two, but it appears as though Cynthia and Phaedra have always supported each other in the past.

Phaedra Gets Caught

If they are friends, I felt it was duplicitous for Phaedra to speak of her in that manner at all. For someone that prides herself on having proper manners and etiquette, Phaedra’s profanity-laced slight at Cynthia was crass and unnecessary at best. Phaedra has been welcoming to me thus far, and I truly hope that it has been genuine interactions. Even though I have had my fair exchange of contempt with Cynthia, I hope that we can see more sincere relations between these two and that they can mend any tension they may have with each other and move forward.


I cannot rebut the comments about me made by someone so painfully unintelligent that she does not know how many days of the year there are, the difference between “telling a speech” and reciting or making a speech, and what an actual FREUDIAN SLIP is versus her off-the-cuff made up nonsensical phrase “fraudulent slip”. 

On a serious note, please donate to the United Negro College Fund because the mind is a terrible thing to waste. www.uncf.com

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta premiering March 9 on Bravo and streaming next day on Peacock.

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