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Matt "The Candy Man" Riviera

Rachel weighs in on tackling a man that's tough on the outside, but sweet on the inside.

By Rachel Federoff

Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!

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If you’re anything like me, you can appreciate a good act and a little bit of crazy characters slamming each other to the mat. So of course, I had to bring in my client Matt Riviera -- just a good ol’ boy, a sand-and-gravel business-owner by day and crazy playboy wrestler by night. I just knew that was going to make Patti want to plummet to her doom out the Millionaires Club window.

Oh Matt: sweet, obnoxious, leopard-robe wearing, sand-hauling lady-killer that he was. Yes the key here is WAS. Quite the surprise: he turned out to be just a sweet kid from the south looking for his honeybee when he really began showing his true nature. How utterly sweet was it when he made candy trails for Shelise? Watching those two was like watching two kids in grade school. I have to commend Matt on choosing something calm and outside the box, but yoga on a first date? Why do guys want us girls to get sweaty on a date? Save the sweat for the bedroom, will ya?

Casting Matt R.

All in all, Matt turned out to be a gentleman and juvenile in a good way. I think he needs to change his name to “The Candy Man,” because after all, “The candy man can because he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good.” I hope those two have little baby wrestlers and live happily ever after.

As for Aimee, seeing as she lives in Sin City, land of booze, gambling, and of course, strip clubs, why not put that human pole skill to good use? Olympic Gardens? Ah well, isn’t my job swell?

Casting Aimee E.
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