Robin Kassner Gets Serious
Patti shares the scoop on Robin Kassner's transformation and Bradley's failure to change.

Read Patti's full transcript after the jump:
Bradley's a lawyer and doctor who lives in an apartment in Brentwood; he has money, but he doesn't spend it on anything. He loves to talk about himself, and the ridiculous list of what he wants in a woman. He previously dated a client of mine named Stephanie, and he totally blew it.

Robin’s a previous client of mine, who on her last date got drunk, had sex too soon, and did all the wrong things. She went for the hunky plumber instead of a great cop, which was her downfall. She owns her own PR firm in New York City. She has bleached blonde hair, loves Hello Kitty, and everything she owns is pink. She’s back for one more chance at love.I met Bradley at his apartment. I’m worried that one of the reasons he’s blown it in the past is that he needs to spend a little cash on the girl, so I gave him a test, which is to by a girl something worth $500 at Tiffany’s. I met Robin at my favorite restaurant, Baja Cantina. Robin knows that she screwed up last time, and now wants to change. She’s ready for marriage and a baby. She also agrees to a full-on makeover, because the bleach needs to go. For Robin, I’m looking for sweet, career-minded guys that can cherish her, and for Bradley, I’m looking for the funny girls who can help get the attention away from himself, and put the focus back on the girl.

I needed to make sure Robin was on her best behavior, so I put a listening device in her ear, so she could listen to me if she got off track. My test for her was Anthony, the good-looking dancer. She did dance with him when he took his shirt off, but luckily, she ended up picking Joe and Dev for her mini-dates. I really liked this guy Joe for her: he was funny, he had a great personality, but for her master date, she chose Dev. Bradley started off by putting these girls to sleep, basically. After a quick chat with Destin and Rachel, he was able to talk to the girls and get to know them. He chose Nicole and Ester; for his master date, he chose Nicole.

For the first time ever, we had someone not show up for a date. No one could find Dev. We decided that since she did like Joe, that he could come to the rescue and take her on the date instead. They went on a Hollywood tour, then to dinner at the Four Seasons. Robin warmed up to him and they had great conversation, but in the end, I don’t think she went for him. Bradley took Nicole to an indoor trampoline place, which sounds like a great idea; he then took her to Primitiva for dinner, where they proceeded to talk about himself and offend her.
Robin did a good job. She’s unleashed a new side of her, which is amazing. She wants to explore her intellectual side, and see what kind of men she’s attracted to. But she and Joe didn’t go out again.
Bradley did a terrible job. He talked about himself the whole night, and instead of giving Nicole a gift, he gave her a donation, which in the end, it’s all about him again, so he’s been kicked OUT of the club.