Here's Exactly What The Chew Co-Hosts Have Been Up to Since the Show Was Cancelled
Carla Hall, Michael Symon, and Clinton Kelly share intimate details of their lives since ABC cancelled The Chew amid sexual assault allegations against Mario Batali.

The Chew was cancelled one year ago as sexual assault allegations against Mario Batali continued to unfold. So what have its co-hosts Carla Hall, Michael Symon, and Clinton Kelly been up to since?
The trio reunited in Kelly's own kitchen for a nearly hourlong Facebook Live segment, in which they provided fans an intimate peek into exactly what's been going on in their lives — both personally and professionally — since they were colleagues on the show.
First, Kelly shared what he's been up to — and it's a picture of domesticity. "I have been a stay-at-home house husband," he said. "[Husband] Damon [Bayles] comes home from work, I'm like, Damon, I made you a beef bourguignon, and I redecorated the guest bedroom, and I went to the gym, and he's like OK, that's nice!"
Symon, clarifying just how close the former co-hosts remain in touch, confirmed Kelly's account: "Clinton and I usually talk a couple times a week, we'll text, call, whatever. And whenever I would call, [he would say], 'I gotta go.' 'Where are you going?' 'I gotta go to the gym, and then I have tea, and I'm going to the theater....' Like that was every time I talked to you. It was kind of a routine."
And a rather pleasant one too, by the way. "It was really good," Kelly said.
Professionally, Kelly has also served as a judge for Chopped Junior, Beat Bobby Flay, Family Food Showdown, and Spring Baking Championship. "I'm going out to Denver next month to shoot Haunted Gingerbread Showdown — that will be fun," he said. And he added this mouthwatering teaser: "And then I just am negotiating right now, I can't talk about it, but a new show... in the home space."
For his own part, Symon explained, "I've been good! [Stepson] Kyle and Krista had a baby girl. I'm a grandpa! Emerson — she's beautiful.... She's going to be very tall I think, because Krista and Kyle are both tall, and she has big feet."
Symon also explained he just finished working on new book, which comes out this summer; it covers an approach to diet with anti-inflammatory results, and it will be called Fix it With Food.
As well, "I’m starting Season 9 of Burgers, Brew, and 'Que next week — it’s been 5 years, nine seasons, it’s a blast." But of course, that's not all the busy professional has going on: "We also opened two restaurants in Vegas at the Palm."
As for Carla Hall — who arrived to the group's Facebook-streamed reunion a bit late because she was coming from a psychic reader — she's been traveling and developing new soft skills.
"I was [in L.A.] taping the Halloween Baking Championship, which was amazing," she said. "And I was in France [where] and I did a comedy improv class."
She explained that the class, a gift from her husband Matthew Lyons, actually dovetailed with practical food skill development. "It was so incredible. It was all about 'yes and.' And I think that we use those skills in cooking — it’s all about accepting what life gives you, accepting whatever’s in the grocery store... accepting whatever is thrown at you and then building on that. And [in the class] you can’t say 'but' or 'no' — nothing negative."
Plus, she enjoyed it — and, the group joked, she considered it a tax writeoff in the days after The Chew.