The Internet Thinks This Cake Looks Like a Vagina... and the Baker Has the Best Response
“Once again, we've underestimated our customer's ability to see genitals in our baked goods..."
Once again the internet is torn — some see a geode, others see…well, a vagina. A really pretty, sparkly vagina. OK, let's take a step back for a moment to recap.
When Nadia’s Cakes C.E.O. Abby Jimenez posted a picture of a pink cake, with a pink, purple, and gold-trimmed rock candy slice in it, some cake lovers saw only one thing. Sex.
Making its way onto Reddit and Imgur, the cake has thousands of comments from dessert lovers who can only see female genitalia when they look at it. But Abby was thrilled with the cake — and the attention — writing on Facebook: “Apparently our cake has made its way onto Reddit and Imgur and my ‘social media game is on point.’”
She captioned a shot of the cake with a joke: “Once again, we've underestimated our customer's ability to see genitals in our baked goods. And you guys can say you knew me when.”
Nadia also called a phony “Emergency Nadia Cakes Staff Meeting,” reporting to her staff, “Guys, this is the hottest cake of 2018. Vaginas are all the rage. I want vagina geode cakes for everything. Weddings, 1st birthdays, bar mitzvahs — if it doesn't look like a crotch, we're not doing it.”
Among the funnier (and printable comments):
“It's a beautiful cake and I think that it does look like a geode, but 69% of people will always see something suggestive in everything.”
"Once again, how often does this happen?”
“They shouldn't have made it flesh color on the outside and it would be ok.”
“This is local to me. You can still order this cake. I plan to for my baby shower and stick a baby head in there. Lol”
“Want to know what craggy knife wounds these people have seen to think this looks like a vagina.”
“I’m more concerned about the $65 price tag on a 4-inch round cake that already has a slice taken out of the side…”
“That cake store is right down the road from me. Guess who's ordering a vagina cake because he's lonely and hungry and horny.”
“Nope. Totally a geode.”
“All this says to me is that a lot of people don't know what a vagina looks like.”
Abby has read the comments and responded on FB that the funniest part of the whole thing was that the cake wasn’t even for sale.
“You guys want to hear the funniest part? This cake was a trial run for a workshop we're hosting. That's right. We were going to teach you how to make this vagina cake. I told the designers to switch it to a purple cake for the class. But I don't know. Maybe now you guys might want the pink one lol!!!”