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A Lot to Prove

Anna offers her opinion on Keith's elimination.

Keith was eliminated this week and it was very sad. He is a sweet person and he was someone it was pleasant to be around. He was starting to get sick and I think the frustration of the competition was wearing on him. I also think that although for the real woman challenge he got a skinny model who should have been easy to work with, more was expected out of him because of that. Not to mention the fact that he had a lot to prove after being in the bottom so much.
I was fairly confident with my dress when it came to the real woman challenge. Although there were some fit issues that I would have fixed, after seeing it walk down the runway, I was happy with what I put out.

Daniella did a great job with her woman despite the trouble she has had. Regardless of what happens, she has a good career ahead of her.

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