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The Daily Dish

The Sneaky Secret Behind Kyle Richards' New Book

A little eavesdropping goes a long way for the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' star.

By Colleen Werthmann

Kyle Richards is making the rounds promoting her new book, Life is Not a Reality Show: Keeping Up Real With the Housewife Who Does It All, and shared the somewhat sneaky origins of the book's life lessons with the Miami Herald.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star -- who hits Boca Raton on January 25 -- explained, "I grew up in a house of all women. You know, my mom, my grandmother and my sisters. And every time they would come home, my mom would flip the light on and would say, 'OK, tell me everything you did from the date, from beginning to the end.' I used to lay there and pretend I was sleeping and listen to every little crumb, what they did wrong, what they didn't do. It was the best education you could ever get."

And when her stint on RHOBH put that education on display, she says she was happy to share a little knowledge. "Once I started [the show] and people saw my relationship with my husband, I got so many comments and questions on Twitter that I really thought it would be fun to talk about things that worked for me," she says.

Kyle had some intriguing advice about the biggest mistake women make in relationships --  "A lot people want love, but they don't give it. I see so many of my friends with their husbands; they don't think that they need the same attention as we do. I want my husband to feel like no one is going to love and adore him like I do. You’d be surprised when you give that how much love you get in return."

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