Is Joey Healy Dating the Old-Fashioned Way After #TheSinglesProject?
One year later, Joey reveals if he's found romance in the Big Apple.

They were your Bravo summer fling last year, and this year Emmy voters fell in love with The Singles Project, too. But, what are the brave New York singles up to these days? The Daily Dish is checking back to find out.
Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. But it looked like Joey Healy had found love with Jack as his experience on The Singles Project wrapped. However, it turns out that romance was short-lived. "Jack is a great guy and we definitely had a special connection," the eyebrow stylist told The Daily Dish. "It wasn't long after cameras were rolling that we both realized we were better off as friends. I see him occasionally and it's fun to look back on our on-air experience together. He's a great guy, and I'm sure he'll find someone awesome."

Love may not have bloomed eternal for Joey and Jack, but that doesn't mean Joey walked away from the experience without having become "forever bonded" to his fellow singles. "The experience was so unique and, quite frankly, jarring that we really formed a fast, close bond," he said. "They are the only five people that will ever understand that experience. Also, my casting director Risa from The House That Casting Built lives two doors down in Chelsea and after the show we immediately became besties. I see her almost every day."
Joey also stepped away with a new outlook on how to approach potential love interests. "It definitely made me more open and confident," he said. "Taking a leap like that was like jumping head first into the deep end without a life vest. It made me braver and more forthright when pursuing dates. I figure if I could do that in front of the world, I can go up to the cute guy at the gym and at least say 'Hi.'"
Not that it didn't take Joey a some time to get used to dating without the cameras rolling. "I've been back to dating the old-fashioned way — off camera," he said with a laugh. "The first date I went on post-show I kept wondering when the producers were going to pop out and where the umbrella lights were. I must say, I really enjoy the comfort of a seated dinner without a mic pack. The real difference is that I'm still single and out there to mingle but now with a new openness. I've been meeting guys organically in the neighborhood, at industry events and through close friends. Once I was on a date and the waiter recognized me and made this whole scene in front of my clueless date which was so embarrassing! I had a lot of explaining to do!"
What are some of our other Singles up to? Read their updates to find out.