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The Daily Dish

The Morning After: Major Work Out

Miss last night's 9 By Design? Catch up with the Novogratz clan here.

By Melanie Caselas


There's no time for brainstorming when it comes to wrestlers. Last night on 9 By Design, the Novogratz clan took on their latest pressure project with a car wash-turned-community gym. Working with a favorite client, the part-lovable, part-pushy Dave Barry, the couple did their best to beg and bribe for a larger budget. Dave Barry tossed an aggressive "get down to business" at Robert after one walk through too many. Every idea was just another dollar sign. But Robert's wine 'n' dining and Cortney's sweet smiles somehow did the trick. The couple managed to more than double the numbers allowing that ugly, tacky bar to be removed from the lounge area.

A lounge area in a gym? Yes, of course. Sixx Design has an eclectic style and standard that does not disappoint. It only makes sense that they'd need a budget larger than $50,000. Their final products are just too impressive. With an old 20s clock and "Desire" spelled of assorted lettering on the wall, gyms just don't get any cooler. Dave Barry had to agree that the end result was worth the $110,000 price tag. Even though the guy never smiled, he said he loved it all - even that pink fridge.

On the home front, the MVP design team went to work at baptism number seven, Baby Major's official welcome and blessing. Like all work by Sixx Design, it was a perfectly orchestrated event surrounded by all of the Novogratz's favorite people. The kids dressed up and the decor was beautiful. But Father Gioia might have been the star with a laid back attitude and a sense of humor to light up a room. Father Gioia has christened all seven of the children in seven, yes, seven different homes. Do we see any signs of stopping? In passing at the party, Cortney made a joke about being pregnant again. Don't worry, Bobby. Not yet.


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