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The Daily Dish The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Teresa Talks Family Feud: What Really Happened

Did the RHONJ star instigate the fight between her brother and husband?

By Kevin O'Donnell

It was one of the biggest moments ever on the Real Housewives of New Jersey last night: during the family's retreat to work on their issues in Lake George, New York, Joe Gorga and brother-in-law Joe Giudice had a violent smackdown. Giudice was reacting to comments Gorga made about his sister, Teresa Giudice, calling her "scum."

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But did she help start the fight by running to tell her husband about her brother's insults? Not so, according to Teresa.

PHOTOS: See Pictures of Teresa Giudice Through the Years.

In her latest blog post, she writes, "Of course I did not want to see my brother and my husband fight. Once my brother started calling me names, I went to get Joe to leave. Not so that Joe would do something. Melissa seems to forget she called Joey last year at the fashion show for exactly that reason, so he would come and fight. I didn’t want it then, and I didn’t want it now. I just wanted to leave. I was done."

PHOTOS: Inside the RHONJ Family Retreat.

Once the fight erupted, Teresa also explains that she didn't run away because she was scared—she was trying to get help. "I did run to get security to break it up, but I got back to the room before they did. And I broke up the fight right away. How is that? There were 4 people there trying to “break it up” but only I could do it? Seems to me they weren’t really trying to break it up, they were also attacking my husband. Poor guy!"

Still, Teresa admits that she is "very proud" of her husband for defending his wife's honor. And she suggests that the brawl never would have gotten too out of hand. "As soon as Joey [Gorga] charged him, Joe was figuring out the safest way to hold Joey off," she writes. "If there was ever a 'safe' fight for my brother to be in, it’s with my husband. He would never hurt my brother. Joey knows that and Melissa knows it too. Why she was acting all hysterical was insane to me. I get that if Joey was fighting with a stranger, she might be afraid for him, but not with my husband. Then, you should definitely jump in and try to stop it, Melissa! When he’s being an idiot with my husband, you can let them be."

Watch Teresa open up about her ongoing family feud from last night's episode and tell us in the comments: Do you think Teresa is telling the truth? Do you believe the brawl would never have gotten too dangerous?

Teresa Breaks Down
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