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The Daily Dish The Real Housewives of Orange County

Peggy Sulahian's Yellow Lambo Leaves the RHOC Ladies with a Lot of Opinions: 5 Clips You Need to See

See what's buzzing on #RHOC and #SweetHomeOklahoma.

Is Meghan Jealous of Peggy?

Peggy Sulahian likes the nice things in life. Fast cars and sparkly bling top this Real Housewives of Orange County mom's list of must-haves. So when she invited the crew to the unveiling of a custom Lamborghini, well, everyone had something to say about it. We're breaking down some of the buzziest moments in The Daily Dish Morning After.

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County on Peacock and Bravo.

1. The Real Housewives of Orange County

you can see all the chatter in the clip, above.

2. Building New Bridges

Kelly Tries to Out Puppet the New Puppet Master

Did Kelly Dodd's plan to "out-puppet the new puppet master" work out?

3. What's Next?

Next on RHOC: Kelly and Shannon Come Face to Face

We guess we'll find out next week on RHOC.

4. Sweet Home Oklahoma


Pumps Get an Unforgettable Housewarming Gift

A gift fit for only Angie "Pumps" Sullivan.  

5. Heart to Heart

Welcome to Pumps and Jen's Serenity Porch

This is where all the girl talk goes down.

Check back every morning as we'll be recapping the 5 must-see moments from the night before. And don't forget to tune into The Daily Dish podcast to get the latest on what's happening in the Bravo galaxy, currently available on iTunesSoundcloudGoogle Play, and Amazon's Alexa.

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