Kameron Westcott Got Stung by a Scorpion During RHOD Camping Trip
The Real Housewives of Dallas ladies' Oklahoma adventure will be featured in the upcoming Season 5.

No one does group trips quite like the Dallas Housewives, and their latest adventure is certainly one they will never forget.
The Real Housewives of Dallas ladies reunited for a camping trip to Oklahoma last weekend. The vacation will be featured in the upcoming Season 5 of RHOD.
D'Andra Simmons first shared her excitement for the getaway in a post on Instagram on August 29. "I’m off to live 'The Simple Life' this weekend! I’m so excited for a much needed girls’ weekend to escape the city life!" she wrote in the post. "P.S. I’m soaking in all this GLAM before it sweats off this weekend!"
The group definitely embraced the great outdoors while visiting Stephanie Hollman's home state. "There’s no place like home!" she captioned a photo of herself and Kary Brittingham on Instagram on September 1. "We traded in our ruby slippers for hiking boots and cammo last weekend...loved showing my girls all the fun that Oklahoma has to offer!"
D'Andra, Stephanie, and Kary, as well as Brandi Redmond and Kameron Westcott were all smiles with face shields on while out and about during the vacay in a photo captured by Kam on Instagram on August 30. "Having so much fun camping with these fab ladies!!" Kameron wrote in the post.
Unfortunately, the vacation came to a painful end for Kameron. She shared in a post on Instagram on September 1 that she was stung by a scorpion during the trip.
The first photo in the post shows Kameron sprawled out on the couch with her right arm wrapped and several medications next to her. The next photo in the post appears to show the scorpion bite on Kameron's forearm with some redness around it.
"Two shots... 4 Rxs... the wilderness is not my friend. Apparently my instincts were on point... I’m not a Wilderness Barbie!!" Kameron wrote in the post. "[Oklahoma] got the best of me!! Even a scorpion!! Has anyone else had this happen??"
Though Kameron asked fans to "pray for me" and told them to "say no to camping" in the hashtags of the post, she also assured us that she's "gonna be fine, just dramatic."