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The Daily Dish The Real Housewives of Dallas

A Super Trailer Deep Dive: Everything You Need to Know About The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 3

Here are 17 things you need to know going into the new season of RHOD — in GIF form.

By Rachael Roberts
On Season 3 of The Real Housewives of Dallas...

The Real Housewives of Dallas ladies are back and are not disappointing in the super trailer for Season 3 (watch above). In true Housewives fashion, enemies are becoming friends, vaginas are being rejuvenated, and of course, there's an epic Housewives vacation (nudity included). But with so many shocking developments — LeeAnne Locken is the toilet of the group?! — it's hard to focus on what's really going on this season. Luckily for you, our expert researchers have outlined everything you need to know in our breakdown of what's to come this season. And we even made GIFs, ya'll.  

How to Watch

Catch up on The Real Housewives of Dallas on Peacock or Bravo.

Take a look below to find out and get ready for RHOD Season 3! Yeehaw! 

1. All the ladies have returned!

That's right: everyone is back and fiercer than ever for Season 3. #NoNewFriends

2. LeeAnne is getting zen.

3. And it's going really well.

4. Stephanie is getting her vagina tightened by Cary.

Honestly, would you trust anyone else but the "Boobs by Deubs" team to rejuvenate you? The answer is no. 

5. It appears Brandi and Kameron's feud may be over.

Looks like Kameron Westcott and Brandi Redmond have come a long way from chasing each other with dildos on a beach. 

6. Kameron is really good at riding bulls.

Sorry Kameron, your California is showing.

7. The ladies are questioning LeeAnne's engagement.

All we know is Brandi confronts LeeAnne about not setting a wedding date and when D'Andra Simmons asks, "Do you know if he's faithful?", all LeeAnne can say is, "I have no clue." Say it isn't so, LeeAnne!

8. Mama Dee thinks her daughter D'Andra might be jealous of her.

We'll let D'Andra speak to that notion with the GIF above...

9. RHOD is going to Copenhagen!


10. And getting naked.


11. LeeAnne is the self-proclaimed 'toilet for our group.'


12. Brandi is adopting a baby boy!


Get to Know Brandi Redmond's Baby Boy

Meet Bruin, above!

13. Kameron is going in this season.


14. And so is D'Andra.


Rookies no more...

15. LeeAnne is exhausted.


16. Like the most exhausted.


17. And in the words of Cary Deuber...


We can't wait to watch! 

Don't forget to tune in for the RHOD Season 3 premiere on Wednesday, August 15 at 9/8c.

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