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The Daily Dish Princesses Long Island

Princesses' Ashlee Says Health Issues Have Continued

Ashlee White reveals she has been suffering from lupus following strokes.

Of all the tears and drama that went down on last Sunday's season finale of Princesses Long Island, nothing came as more of a shock than Ashlee White's revelation that she suffered a stroke last year, leaving her speechless and bed-ridden for eight months.

In her latest blog, Ashlee reveals the heartbreaking details of her ordeal, which she apparently only touched upon at Chanel Omari's apology ceremony with the other princesses. She also opens up about how her health troubles continued following filming of the show.

"I had my first stroke in 2011...it was without a doubt the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I remember my entire right side going numb, not being able to speak, being rushed to the hospital, and doctors rushing around me."

Watch Ashlee open up about her health scare on the Princesses Long Island finale.

Ashlee Explains Her Illness

Ashlee says that the effects of the stroke, including loss of speech and memory, took its greatest toll on her identity. "I started to lose sight of who I was. My personality was withering away. I would look in a mirror and just start sobbing because a stranger was looking back at me."

Ashlee's parents were key to helping her cope with such a difficult time. "They literally pulled me through to the other side. When I was ready to give up, they told me that wasn't an option."

But what viewers don't know is that Ashlee's health issues escalated once the show finished filming. Shortly after wrapping up Season 1, Ashlee suffered another stroke at the Fontainebleau hotel in Miami. Since then, she's been diagnosed with lupus. "All of this helps explain the past couple of years for those of you who don’t fully know me," she says. "I’m definitely a fighter, and I am so grateful for my family and the loyal friends who have helped me through everything. I’ve changed a lot since being sick. I hope you got to see how big my heart is."

As for her relationship with the other girls by season's end? "That group hug at the end was real. No matter what happened, we will all share a special bond because of what we went through together last summer."

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