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Producer Previews Porsha Williams' New "Family Show": "I Don't Know If You Guys Are Ready"

"As much as the trip was supposed to be zen, it was, uh, not," producer James Brangert teased on Bravo's Chat Room.

By Laura Rosenfeld
Porsha Williams' New Series Shows Her Blended Family Vacation That "Wasn't So Zen"

Following the news of Porsha Williams' upcoming "Family Show," producer James Brangert previewed exactly what we can expect from the Atlanta Housewife's new series.

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During his guest appearance on the August 22 episode of Bravo's Chat Room, Brangert spilled some piping hot tea on Porsha's new show. "I don't know if you guys are ready for this show," he teased. "But I think, you know, we stepped in when Porsha was at a crossroads in her life. I think it was a pivotal moment before her and her family."

Porsha's family won't be shying away from some of the tougher topics, either. "And, you know, a lot of families, they sweep things under the rug, and they don't want to address issues that are in front of them," Brangert said. "And Porsha and her family hit all the uncomfortable topics head-on, and they did it directly."

It's not always easy for a family to confront their issues, as we'll see on the show, according to Brangert. "And as much as the trip was supposed to be zen, it was, uh, not," he said. "But you'll definitely want to stay tuned for that one."

Porsha added on Bravo's Chat Room that we're going to see her and her loved ones deal with "the real s--t." "It was like some stuff that you go through in your own family," she shared. "Like, if you can imagine someone you haven't spoke to or things you haven't said, and you actually say them and deal with all that emotion, that's pretty much what that is."

Porsha first announced her upcoming "Family Show" during the August 16 episode of Bravo's Chat Room, sharing that it will be "everything" in the above clip. "It is a whole 'nother side of me. You will get to see a lot where my personality comes from, the family dynamic, the blending of it all," Porsha revealed. "We also took the whole family to Mexico. Yes, everybody went to Mexico, and we went on this spiritual retreat. So my sister, Lauren [Williams], is a spiritual guider [and] meditation goddess, and she was trying to bring some zen to the family while we're trying to blend. And, um, yeah, let's just say the trip wasn't so zen, but you'll see."

She also teased that we are going to meet other members of her family "who are outspoken." "I know you're gonna love them, too, because they keep it 1,000, and they're funny," Porsha said. "You know, they're just like me."

Ultimately, Porsha assured us, "Y'all will enjoy. Trust, trust, trust."

Porsha also added on Instagram last week after sharing the news of the new show, "I Can’t wait for you to see it!!"

Photo: Porsha Williams/Instagram

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