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The Daily Dish Million Dollar Listing New York

Steve Gold Reveals the "Sweetest Moment Ever" with Daughter Rose

The MDLNY agent opens up about how life has changed since he became a dad.

By Jocelyn Vena
Steve Rose Gold Coronavirus Quarantine

It's been 12 months since Million Dollar Listing New York's Steve Gold became a dad to his first kid, daughter Rose Gold, and it's clear that the real estate agent has settled into dad life like an old pro. In fact, little Rose has even taught the wheeler and dealer something about life at just 1 year old. That lesson? To be more patient. 

How to Watch

Catch up on Million Dollar Listing New York on Peacock or Bravo.

Wondering what else Steve has learned since becoming a pop? Well, he spoke to The Daily Dish in an email interview about how his daughter has transformed his life since she came into it one year ago.

The Daily Dish: Describe your first Father's Day.

Steve Gold: My first Father’s Day was just last year in 2019. Rose is a June baby, so she was just about 2 weeks old. We were out in the Hamptons and [my girlfriend] Luiza [Gawlowska] woke up before me to go out for my favorite Starbucks drink and brought me breakfast in bed along with Rose, who had balloons tied to her. It was the sweetest moment ever.  

Describe your best Father's Day.

SG: Honestly, I feel like every day is Father’s Day with Rose, each day better than the next. 

How would you describe your dad philosophy?

SG: I am a pretty relaxed dad. My parents never raised me with strict rules In the house, and I turned out OK. However, it’s important to lay down boundaries and establish respect. 

What’s the most important lesson you can teach your kid?

SG: You get what you give, so be kind to others, and the rest will follow. 

Are you the easy parent or the disciplinary parent?

SG: A little bit of both. 

What’s the most important lesson your kid has taught you?

SG: Patience.

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