Looking for Tom in All the Right Places
Tom Colicchio turns up with tips for aspiring restaurateurs.
Confession: we're going through Tom withdrawal. Sure, Top Chef D.C. said farewell less than 24 hours ago, but still find ourselves sharpening our knives aimlessly while staring blankly into the middle distance... where have you gone, Tom Colicchio? What tasty meal are you enjoying right now, and why aren't we there to share it with you?
It's going to be a long few months until Top Chef Season All-Stars premiers in December, but Tom is never far... You just have to know where to look. Today, we found him talking to Newsweek, detailing what it takes to run a successful restaurant. It's great to savor and prepare great food, but Tom points out that there's much more to it than that. His advice? "You need to know that just because you're good at some aspect of cooking doesn't mean you can run a place."
Wow Tom, giving it to us like a judge's table! We like it! Tom's adamant on the finances of running a restaurant, and suggests employing a business-minded right hand man to run the financial side of things. For more priceless advice -- and more Tom -- check out Newsweek.com.